Chapter Twenty Four

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Peeta's POV
After The Reaping we go home to pack for 3 months. We'll stay in the capital for 2 months &, stay in district 4 to visit Annie & Finn for a month before, we go home to Victors village in district 12.

I finished packing for myself & Katniss, I  check on Charlie, to ask if he needs help packing. I knock on the door and Charlie looks up and says hi dad, hi Charlie do you need help packing bud? I said. No I don't, I'm finished thanks for asking, he says, your welcome son, I say to Charlie.

Where's your sister? I ask Charlie. Will's is packing. Where's mom?, dad he asks. I packed for myself & your mom, so your mom can help willow pack faster, we've to be at the train station in 10 minutes. Go wait downstairs on the couch for us, ok, he says taking his suitcase with him.

Katniss are you & Will's ready?, I ask her, as I lean on the doorpost, watching my girls. Katniss hands Willow her suitcase, we tell her to go downstairs with her brother we'll be there in a few minutes.

Katniss comes to me & wraps her arms, around me & says I'm, relieved Charlie & Willow weren't chosen today Peeta. Me too Katniss me too, I love you Katniss.
I love you too we kiss lovingly and, lean our foreheads together, looking into each other's eyes and kiss. We lace our fingers & go down to our waiting 12 year old twins to go to the train station.

On the train
Still Peeta's POV
Dorey tells us Alexis & Drake are in their rooms until we're ready, we nod to her. We put our suitcases in our room, and take Charlie to Haymitch's room, & Will's to Effie's. The next car, is the dining car Alexis & Drake's room located there too.

Katniss, Willow, Charlie & I go to dinner. The door to the dining car slowly opens to see Alexis, Drake & Dorey sitting at the table waiting for the four of us.

We asked if they've been waiting very long? Dorey says no they just sat down. We introduce ourselves to all of them, I'm Peeta Mellark this's my wife Katniss our son Charlie & our daughter Willow.

Katniss and I are your mentors Katniss and I survived two Hunger Games, me being taken prisoner, and tortured by Cornelius Snow Mela's grandfather, & also Katniss & I the second revolution.

Drake asks how did you & Mrs. Mellark win your first games? he asks me. We won by bluffing the capital. Why did you do that? Alexis asks me. One the game makers changed the rules, of one victor to two but from the, same district only to change it back to only one victor.

What's the second? Drake asks me I take a deep breath and let it go. I was in love with Katniss but at the time I think she was Katniss says it's ok to tell them I always loved you it I wish it didn't take for you going through what you did for me to see it she's crying as she says it.

My mind was hijacked which means my memories of her were altered that had glossy effect from the real memories of her. Mela's grandfather tried to use me to kill her. I would've if  he didn't wasn't for our our mentor Haymitch, knocking me out. I found out he hit my head with a bedpan used for patients. You learned in school what happened after that.

It's ok Katniss it's the past. I'm beyond upset I'm pissed at Alexis & Drake for asking the question. Never bring that up ever again it was extremely painful and hard on her & myself. I'm going to say this only once, I will not repeat myself.
Do you understand me I say looking at our tributes they look remorseful for it.
That goes for you too as well Dorey

Yes, Mr. Mellark we do all 3 say.

From now on we'll only be advising you on how you are to present yourselves in training,  in your tribute interview with Cesar, and what to expect during the games. We will not answer any more questions about our past or directly asking our children questions about us or themselves. If Katniss and I find out you have we will be very upset and our job extremely hard as your mentors.

We get past that and get to what needs to be done starting when we arrive to the interview with Cesar Flickerman. We don't know which arena they're using. Katniss & I've been in the forest arena for our first games 74th Hunger Games & tropical and beach arena with Finnick, Johanna & Beetee Latier from district 3.

We all head back to our rooms before our kids go to their room they get our attention saying dad and mom it will be ok we know your upset now we want you to know we do everything we can to help you not think about it and to be happy all of our lives especially when we're adults and on our own we'll drop everything & always be there for you

We love you & proud you & mom our, Parent's  and The Star Crossed Lovers always Charlie and Willow says to us.

Katniss and I have tears of joy falling down our face and, say thank you and we're very proud you're our children.  We wrap our kids in our arms and hug greatful and thankful for each other.

We love you too Katniss and I say together goodnight and kiss both of their foreheads. Get to bed Charlie & Willow it's a long trip. Katniss & I change into pajamas & say we, made 2 amazing  kids yes we did I said agreeing with her .

We kiss each other passionately I say to her you're an amazing wife & mother I love you Katniss Lillian Mellark. You're an amazing husband, & father to our 2 amazing kids we made. I love you too Peeta Christopher Mellark. I wrapped Katniss in my arms her, head rests on my chest & fall into a peaceful sleep.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I hope you're all enjoying the story I have been getting ideas trying to decide which one to write for the next chapter. I want my story to progress and remain intriguing.

I'll update as much as I can thank you, everyone for your patience & reading.

Lots of love
Tracy xxx

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