Chapter Nineteen

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Katniss & Peeta's POV
I'm nine months pregnant my due date is in a couple days although, I can go into labor at any time it's, natural for a woman to go into labor, from 46-48 weeks. Charlie's and Willow's head is in the proper position for a natural birth, Dr. Ross had explained to Peeta & I. Water is on the floor. I know what it means my water broke Peetaa!!! I scream as I'm hit with a contradiction

I'm in the kitchen getting ready to make dinner when I hear Katniss, scream for me Peetaa!!! I get to Katniss and see water on the floor. I instantly know what it means Katniss's water broke. I grab the bag we prepared last week, for the hospital. I get Katniss to the car yes we have a car a remaining surviving, victors is given a car it's a Subaru Forester

A/N I chose the make and model of car for them Peeta & Katniss love nature

We've been at the hospital for fifteen hours dr Ross is here to see if it's, time for Katniss to start pushing. ok Katniss it's time dr Ross says the nurses, move Katniss to another bed a birthing, bed is next to her hospital bed in her room.
I sit beside her bed and hold her hand.

Peeta helps me get me comfortable on the bed before I get ready for my first, push.
Dr. Ross says don't use all of your energy
to deliver your first baby you'll need it to your second baby you, the contraction hits & push seconds later our baby boy Charlie
is born. Dr, Ross says ok Katniss on the next contraction use all the the energy you saved for your second baby who's your daughter.

I start pushing as I'm holding my husband Peeta's hand. I'm pushing again for the fifth time. Peeta says you're doing great baby I say every obscenity , in the book from labor and it doesn't even phase Peeta at all .

Dr Ross tells my beautiful wife Katniss one more big push and, your baby will be here. I take a deep breath & breathe out slowly I get behind her on the bed & say remember how we won, The 74th Hunger Games. I said together she says yes I do we're going to do this together.

I take her left in mine just as her right hand is in my right hand, we laced our fingers. I say to Katniss together she says to me together just like, we did with the berries eight years ago.

Two years winning the games and victory tour, and two years the Quarter Quell, I'm being held prisoner by snow Katniss is forced by Coin to become the Mockingjay in district thirteen, another two years getting myself, Johanna and Finn's girl Annie Cresta out learning Snow hijacked my mind I almost killed strangled Katniss to death if Haymitch hadn't knocked me out and the final two years planning and going through with the plan to get into the capital to kill Snow and losing Finnick being eaten alive by lizard like human mutts in the underground tunnels along with many members of squad 451 and to winning The Rebellion.

I use all of my weight as Katniss pushes, for the last time screaming from, the pain from her final contraction .The next thing we hear are the  cries of our precious angel Willow. I carefully move off the bed helping Katniss get comfortable to rest &, hold our son for the first time as I hold Willow in my arms. I kiss and say I love you to my beautiful, wife & Katniss says to me I love you too Peeta.

I lay beside Katniss on the bed as she holds our baby boy Charlie. I smile as I watch Katniss breastfeeding Charlie and his twin sister Willow. Katniss is exhausted, from giving birth to our son and daughter. I take Charlie & Willow from Katniss she's on the verge, of passing out. I tell Katniss to rest we'll be here when you wake up and say.

I hold Charlie & Willow in my arms as they they rest. They open their eyes & I see they, match mine baby blue eyes, my blonde hair & nose. We made two beautiful & precious, babies together. there's no love like the love a parent has for their children unconditional.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter thank you for your patience sorry for the long wait I've had serious writers block I've been busy I  didn't forget about my book  again thank you for your patience

Lots of love 

I dedicate this chapter to all my readers
I love you all

A/N I've been reading my story today and noticed I completely forgot to write the of Charlie and Willow's birth it's been fixed.

Final edit 12-5-19

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