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( 이상해 )☁︎

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( 이상해 )

I was utterly confused, still letting this whole situation sink in. Once again, I was lying on my bed in my room with a faint headache as I had just woke up from a 'dream' apparently. I was still in a sense of shock as I never expected it to be a dream. It felt so realistic and true.

And him. He was there. I actually bumped into him this time. "What is it with him? Why is he always there? Why does he keep appearing?" I was in deep thought. My mind was scattered and all over the place just because of this one man. What's so special about him?

Sitting up from my bed, I decided to finally get up and walk to the kitchen to grab myself a cup of coffee. I needed some caffeine to organize all the thoughts and questions that baffled my head. I was still lost in my own world and Jieun happened to notice how absent-minded i was.

"Miyoung-ah? Miyoung-ah!"

Jieun calls my name. Each yell being louder than the last.

"Miyoung!" She calls one last time, making me jump and snap out of my absent state which caused me to spill a bit of coffee on myself.

"Ah!- fuc-! What Jieun?" I exclaim as the hot liquid stings my skin, a hint of annoyance being evident in my tone.

"I've called your name more than ten times and you still wouldn't budge. Miyoung-ah, what's wrong?"

"It's— nothing Jieun. I'm perfectly fine." I snap back and shot a weak smile.

"Oh please, stop lying. I can see right through you. What's going in that head of yours?"

I kept silent. Still not wanting to say a word and respond to this matter.

"Is it perhaps— because of the 'mysterious man' from your dreams?"

I suddenly stiffen at the thought of him. And yes, I did tell Jieun about that him. I had to tell someone because it was happening too frequently. Jieun happened to be the closest and most trusted person there was.

"I knew it. Now what happened this time? Was he still on the other side of the pedestrian?" She asks, sipping on her own cup of coffee.

"No, not this time." I finally spoke. Her eyebrows furrow at my statement. "What do you mean?" She asks out of curiosity.

"He wasn't just there. In fact, I didn't even see him on a pedestrian lane. This time I actually bumped into him."

"What?!" She jumps in shock.

"You texted me and I got distracted. I wasn't looking to where I was going and I bumped into him by accident. Then suddenly I woke up." Jieun carefully listens to every word I say. "I'm just so confused. Why do I keep seeing him?"

"Maybe it's just a coincidence Miyoung-ah." She calmly argues.

"But I don't think it is Jieun. I've seen him too many times to consider it a 'coincidence' now." I snap back at her statement, not believing a single thing she says.

"Miyoung-ah, maybe you're just overreacting. It is just a dream right? I think you should stop overthinking this whole situation." Jieun softly replies.

"But Jieu—" I continue to argue but she cuts me off. "For the last time Miyoung, relax."

You know what, maybe she is right. This is all just a simple dream and I'm just thinking too much. It can't possibly be anything big, right?

"What time is it?" I ask to finally change the subject and take my mind off of our previous topic.

"2:36. Sunday." She says with a slight smirk. "We should go out. We deserve some leisure time. We work too much." She chuckles.


"Haha, sure"

Wow I wonder what will happen next
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