삼십 칠 :

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"Jimin-ah?"A lady exclaims as she heads towards our table

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"Jimin-ah?"A lady exclaims as she heads towards our table. Out of curiosity, I turn my head to Jimin, only to see his eyes widening as he stared at the woman.

"Mom!" He shouted as he ran into her arms, like the little boy he is.

'That's his mom?' I suddenly thought, absolutely perplexed. I was confused because for a split second there I thought my Jiminie had another woman; which thank god it wasn't. She didn't resemble a woman in her 60's. His mom looked extremely beautiful and youthful for her age. Now I can see where Jimin got the good looking genes.

But now as I've realized that it was actually Jimin's mother, the only emotion I could feel at that very moment was extreme anxiousness. I can't believe I actually thought I had calmed down.

Instinctively, I immediately stood up from my chair and bowed to her.

"Gosh Jimin, Is that Hwang Miyoung? That girl you talk nonstop about?" She said as she suddenly pinched my cheeks, making both our faces burn up and turn red.

She instantly hugs me; "I'm Jimin's mom, the owner of this restaurant."

A small 'oh' escaped my mouth as I realized why it was called 'J's Grill'. So that's why Jimin brought me here, out of all the places.

"Oh my- we should go home right now, you're dad would be so proud of you. I can't wait to talk about everything." She kept on rambling, and it felt like she would stop anytime soon.

Before I could even say something for myself, she had literally pulled me and Jimin out of the door. Grabbing us both by the hand and dragging us out of the diner. As if it were in a blink of an eye, we were already somehow in front of a small, cozy looking cottage which was his house. It was apparently just next door.

"Yah Donghyun-ah! Your son is here!" His mom shouted in utter joy from the gates.

"Oh come in, come in." A sweet man that surprisingly resembled Jimin a lot appeared, signaling us to take a seat inside. I had awkwardly kept quiet, feeling very flustered for a while now due to the exaggerated expressions of his parents. They were cute, but it made me feel too shy.

I spare on last glance at Jimin as I had figured he had probably sensed my heavy load of nervousness by now. He mumbles a soft 'you'll do fine' with the most reassuring grin I've ever seen.

"So how long have you been together now?" Jimin's mother asked once we had all settled in the living room. My heart was pounding so much as both his parents stared deeply into my eyes with such wide looking smiles.

"Uh— we've been together for a few months now— ma'am." I said, my voice sounding slightly shakey. Yet all of a sudden, both his parents just bursted into complete laughter, causing not just me but also Jimin to be profusely confused as we both looked at each other.

"Ma'am? Gosh call us mom and dad."

My eyes widen as I was taken aback with their sudden words. I was just trying to be formal and act respectful but I definitely wasn't expecting this to happen so soon. I've barely met them for twenty minutes and now they want me to call them mom and dad. I was genuinely shocked.

"Oh by the way dear, is Jimin nice to you? Is he treating you well? Oh I swear if he's not I'll—"

"Jimin is an incredibly kind man and such a caring person. I can see where he got that from." I said, sensing that she could've said something longer and so I replied immediately as I flashed them a smile. I held Jimin's hand as I continued to talk and by the looks of his parents, I think they liked me.

"So, when are you having a child?" His father said with a somewhat sly smile, leaving the two of us in utter shock. Me and Jimin had our mouths agape with what his dad had suddenly said.

"Uh— well d-don't you think it's t-too soon for that dad?" Jimin nervously said in a low tone, he couldn't even look at his parents straight in the eye.

"I'm kidding! Goodness gracious you kids are so gullible!" Mr. Park exclaimed as him and his wife died in laughter once again. His parents must be jokesters in their time.

"Anyway, Jimin dear can you help your father make snacks in the kitchen?" His mom turned to him and asked. Jimin simply nodded as both him and his father headed towards the kitchen, leaving only me and his mother in the room.

As soon as the two were out if sight, she immediately scoots closer, taking the seat next to me. "Excuse me and my husband if we're a bit— bubbly," she softly said. She then took my hand and held it into her own as she looked at me in the eyes. "We're just really happy. You are the first girl Jimin brought home in such a long time so we're just really excited." She chuckled, then holding my hand slightly tighter than before. "Jimin was never the best at relationships. The last time he had one, it just left him with a broken heart. His previous girlfriend just stopped talking to him all of a sudden."

As his mother continued to talk, I slightly grew in anger. Jimin is the most sincere, sweetest, and not to mention the kindest person in the entire world. How could someone just leave someone hanging like that?

"Miyoung dear, my son has such a fragile heart. He's a soft person. And by the looks of it, you seem to make my son extremely happy. He'd call me every night and just talk about you the whole time!" She said, making me let out a hearty laugh. "Based on my first impression on you, you have a good heart. You genuinely care for Jimin and I feel assured by that. And so I trust you to keep my son happy. But if you two have a problem, you know you can always come to me."

"Mom," I started, sounding a little hesitant as I was trying to get used to the name. "I love Jimin with every tiny bit of my heart. Every passing day, every living minute and every second with him is a different ride full of joyous emotions. He's made me the happiest person alive and I don't think I'll be leaving him any time soon; or ever for that matter. I'll love him for as long as I live." I said, taking her hand into my grasp instead as I looked at her with the utmost sincerity. I meant every word I said and I want her to know that I do mean it.

I love Park Jimin and he will be the last man I will ever love.

Yallsters thought that 'lady'
was another woman
BuT nOpe it was just his mom

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