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"I— I still have one more surprise for you

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"I— I still have one more surprise for you." You uttered in a somewhat shaky tone. Your hand was out, slightly trembling but patiently waiting for it to grab mine.

I was definitely surprised by his statement. The sky was already pitch black and so I thought we would be heading out any time soon. "Another one? I thought we were done for the day."

"Just put this on." Jimin said and quickly handed me a blindfold, taking me back a bit.

Without even telling him to do so, he immediately goes behind me, masking the piece of cloth onto my eyes; "Gosh, you are just full of surprises aren't you." I said with a slight chuckle at the end.

As if time was repeating itself, he had guided me along the path, just like what'd happened earlier. He leads my tracks, hands wrapped around my frail ones as he carefully pulls me through the pathway.

He had kept silent, only the sounds of our footsteps were heard. It slightly worried me. Compared to earlier, he never reached this quiet. At this point, my heart was pounding heavily.

"Were almost there." He said a few moments later, his voice sounding even more shakey than before.

All of a sudden we come to an abrupt stop, almost making me trip at the immediate halt in our tracks.

"Are we here?" I curiously asked.

"Yeah.." He uttered, his tone gradually smaller.

And at a blink of an eye, the blindfold was immediately retrieved from my eyes. The pitch darkness that previously filled my sight due to the cover was drastically changed by a burst of colors.

A wide smile rapidly crept its way to my face. It might've been the widest smile I've ever let out in my whole existence.

It was the perfect scene. As generic as that sounds, it was a hundred percent true.

The ground was drizzled in countless of petals, a picnic mat neatly placed on the surface. There was a basket which looked like it was filled of our favorite treats, a small vase of my favorite flowers placed at the very center of the mat, all topped off with twinkling fairy lights to surround the room and brighten the mood.

The heartwarming sight made my heart skip a beat. I always thought these sorts of things only happened in the movies but I apparently thought wrong.

I was nonetheless left in awe. I felt my insides melt at that very moment.

"W-when did you prepare— all this?" I managed to ask through my surprised state.

A subtle smirk carved the corners of his mouth and said "I have my ways."

And with that I was left in absolute wonder. How did I deserve such a loving man like this? I immediately thought.

All of a sudden he takes both my hands and grips them tightly, making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Miyoung-ah," He softly said and paused, caressing the back of my hands as he said so; "Thank you."

I tilt my head; "Thank you for what?" I asked, curiosity filling every part of my face.

"Thank you for making me happy, for loving me. Thank you for coming into my life." He uttered with a subtle smile.

"No woman has ever made my heart skip a beat the way you do. No one has made me smile the way you make me smile. You were my dream girl that somehow came into reality; and to be able to call you my own makes me feel like the luckiest man alive. Whenever I'm with you it's as if I forget about everything and my world only focuses on you."

And with that my heart raises, beating at a speed so fast it feels unknown to man. It felt more like a heard of  butterflies invaded my system, all moving frivolously in my stomach.

"Despite knowing you for only months it feels like I've known you for years; no— my whole life. Never have I ever loved someone this much and I am sure you will be the one I spend the rest of my days with."

Then all of a sudden he goes down, prompting himself on one knee and I immediately had a feeling where this was going.

He suddenly takes a small velvety box out of his back pocket and firmly grips it in his grasp. My eyes then started to get misty and I just knew I was bound to get emotional sooner or later.

"Hwang Miyoung; the girl of my dreams, I want to spend the rest of my life with you and never let you go. I want to spend my future with you, have a family with you, and give you the world."

"Will you marry me Miyoung-ah?"

And at that very moment my mind completely turns blank. I couldn't process the whole situation, it was too much for me to take in. It felt too—unreal.

My heart picks up its pace, a hundred times faster than before, the corners of my lips quickly lift up and utter the only words that managed to fill my mind.

"Yes, I will."

"Really?!" Jimin's eyes widen, it was as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"You could ask a million more times and I'd still say yes!" I exclaimed and was immediately met by the warm feeling of his lips on mine. The tears that'd flooded my eyes had now fallen, continuously sliding down my face.

It was a kiss so intimate and incredibly passionate. It was like I felt fireworks going off inside of me, continuously bursting and making me giddy. The kiss was so sincere and so full of love. It didn't feel demanding nor lustful, it was tender and oh so sweet.

His hand suddenly came up to my face and caressed my cheek with his thumb, slightly deepening the already passionate kiss.

This is the man I love; I thought.

Days with him are always so blissful to me, but the idea of spending my life with him gets me over the moon. I feel like I can jump for joy and never get tired.

A few moments later, we pull apart, foreheads touching. Our cheeks were tinted insanely red, chests lifting up and down and out of breath, but a smile still remained on our faces, it never seemed to fade away throughout the whole scene. It's because the amount of happiness I felt at this moment was unmeasurable. I was overjoyed and I'm more than sure he was too.

"I love you— so, so, so much."

I felt so happy writing this, I hope you enjoyed it.

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