이십 사 :

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: Miyoung's point of view

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: Miyoung's point of view

"Good morning noona." The teenager calls out, joining me as I blissfully stroll on the sidewalk.

"Good morning Jiwoonie!" I cheerfully speak, pinching his cheeks as I do so.

"Ow- what's got you in a good mood today?" Jiwoon asks as he notices my change in spirit.

"Nothing. I guess I just— woke up on the right side of the bed today."

"Okay?" His eyes furrow in confusion. 'Noona never talks like that. I wonder why she's so happy today.' He thought.

With a radiant smile, I continue to walk to work with Jiwoon. I personally don't know why I feel so light today, but I just do. Even Jieun noticed and asked me about it, and I couldn't even say anything. I just feel like that day I coincidentally saw Jimin at the river, I've been feeling optimistic ever since. We actually sat down and had a nice chat afterwards; which went on for hours. The atmosphere was so warm around him, making it so comfortable. We also made plans to go to the movies today and I'm really looking forward to it. I don't know what movie it will be but I'm pretty sure it'll be a good one.

And after that weekend, which felt like forever, I'll finally see Jimin again at work. I know it's just been two days but for these past hours I've somehow been feeling eager to see him. I'm just excited to see him I guess?

"Hey Miyoung!" The familiar honey-like voice greets me from afar as I step into the glass doors of the café.

"Good morning Jimin-ah!" I greeted back as I waved my hand. He was wearing that same vibrant smile as always.

"So that's why you're all giddy." Jiwoon smirks as he nudges my shoulder, I almost forgot that he was standing beside me this whole time.

"Just go to work." I lightly slap his arm and push Jiwoon away, making him stop his foolery.

"What was that all about?" Jimin walks over and lets out a chuckle.

"It's nothing. That kid was just joking around." I bluntly said while I was glaring at Jiwoon from across the room. Meanwhile for him, he was just laughing, obviously amused.

"Anyway, I already got our tickets for later." Jimin said, changing the subject.

"Oh, what movie did you get?"

"It's a surprise. Just get ready by 8:30, I'll pick you up at your place."

A suprise? Why can't he just tell me now? And why is he picking me up. This isn't a date isn't it?

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