십삼 :

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( 산책 )☁︎

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( 산책 )

It was a quiet walk home. Silence filled the air between us but unlike before, this time it was rather comforting. For the first time I actually felt relaxed around him. His warmth was radiating towards me and it would be a lie if I said it wasn't enjoyable. It felt absolutely cozy.

A sudden ding was heard from my pocket as my phone vibrated, signaling a text. I tried to ignore it but the ding sound became continuous. Thinking it might be important, I unlocked my phone only to find a spam of messages in my inbox.






-wHere thE FcK are yOu

-I expect you to be here in ten minutes young lady

sent 9:51 pm

I smile widely at Jieun's text and let out a soft laugh. Jieun can be such a mom sometimes.

I'm 24, I'm pretty sure i can take care of myself Jieun.


BiH you didn't have to spam me -

I'm on my way home mom :) -

sent 9:53 pm

I let out a chuckle and put my phone back into my pocket. The walk home was almost coming to an end as my apartment was a few more blocks away. I somehow felt a bit down but I tried to not make it look evident on my face as we continued walking down the sidewalk.

"I had fun today." Jimin quietly says as he looks down. I slightly felt my cheeks getting hotter by the moment.

"I enjoyed too. Thanks for today." I shyly said as I hid my face. My face that used to be a light tint of pink has now turned into a bright shade of red.


We were now standing at the entrance to my building, both shyly looking at the cemented floor. The two of us were waiting for the other to speak but none of us opened our mouths. I don't want to admit it but, I didn't really want him to leave just yet. He felt so warm to be around and I didn't want this day to come to an end. Even though the events from today were quite unexpected, I have to say I had fun.

"Well uhm-- goodnight Miyoung-ah. I'll get going now." He says as he sheepishly scratches the back of his neck. Jimin turns around and starts walking the other direction.

"Jimin wait!" I loudly call out, making him turn around and knit his eyebrows as he waits for my answer. I was surprised as to why I even did that. I didn't know what to say next so I hurriedly made an excuse for him to stay longer.

"Can you— uhm, walk me to my door?"

His lips slightly curved into a small smile as he nodded and we both walked to the elevator.

"What floor are you on?"

"Four." I say as he pushes the button for me.

My heart picked up its pace. Seeing that it was only the two of us in such a confined space made my face heat up. I impatiently tapped my finger as I wait for the elevator to open. After what had felt like hours, the elevator let out a 'ding' and finally opened its doors.

Jimin walked behind me as I marched to my door. The atmosphere became awkward once again as we stood in front of the apartment door, neither of us wanting to wave goodbye.

Suddenly, the door swung open only to reveal a girl in her cartoon pajamas as she pulls me into a hug.

"Miyoung finally you're h--" Jieun stops in the middle of her sentence as she sees the manly figure beside me. "Oh, who's this?" Her lips turning into a smirk.

"Um, Jieun this is my friend Jimin. He's a new employee at the café." I bluntly say as I introduce them to each other.

"Nice to meet you Jimin, I'm Miyoung's best friend." She puts on a proper smile and shakes his hand.

"Nice to meet you too Jieun." Jimin says and turns his head to look at me. "Well— I guess I'll get going now. I'll see you tomorrow Miyoung." He says and lets out a kind grin.

"Yeah, goodnight Jimin-ah." I wave in return as he walks down the hallway.

As soon as Jimin was out of sight, Jieun yanks me into the house and closes the door shut. She crossed her arms as the smirk from earlier returns to her face.

"Well now I know why you came home late." She says as she nudges my arm. "Now tell me who is this lucky man."

"He's just a friend Jieun. I just met him like a few days ago." I roll my eyes and walked to the table.

"Pfff, 'just a friend' my ass." She laughs and takes a seat in front of me. "So where did you go?"

"We just ate, that's all."

"Sure you did." Now it was her turn to roll her eyes.

"I'm serious Jieun." I let out a small chuckle and stood up.

"But do you like him?" She asks, demanding for an answer.

"I'm tired. I'm going to bed." I let out a fake yawn as I dragged my legs towards my room.

"But you haven't told me about Jimin yet." She whined and stood up to follow me.

"I told you everything already." She pouts. I was too shy to talk about it so I just closed the door in her face to avoid her.

"Goodnight Jieun-ah." I say as I close the door. I plopped down on my bed and engulfed myself into the comfort of my blanket, finding a comfy position. I squirmed around my bed sheets, finally feeling my eyes getting heavy. As I closed my eyes, my phone suddenly went off.


-Goodnight Miyoung-ah~

-Sleep well...

sent 11:24 pm

Finally an update!
I haven't made an update in about 5 days and I'm really, really, really sorry!!! ♥︎♥︎♥︎

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