삼십 일 :

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"Where are you taking me now?" I said, holding onto his hand as tight as ever

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"Where are you taking me now?" I said, holding onto his hand as tight as ever. Giving him my brightest smile, full of joy and love. And of course, he grinned back. Looking at me with such loving eyes and a face just as excited as mine.

We left the café just minutes ago. As much as I didn't want to go and leave all the puppies, we had to. We ended up staying there for a bit too long than we had initially planned. I tried my very best to convince him to stay and even told Jimin that three hours of playing with dogs wasn't that long; but sadly he insisted that we had to go. And so that's the reason why we're in a bus right now, bus 21 to be exact, sitting side by side as we head to our next destination. I didn't understand why we had to take a bus when we could walk instead, but apparently where we're going isn't a walking distance. And that little detail did surprise me a bit, but that only gave me another reason to grow more excited.

"Just like the last one, where we're going is still a surprise." He said as he turned his head to look at me, a slight smirk forming at the very corners of his lips.


"Pottery class for two!" Jimin exclaims to a lady in her 60s which I presume was working here. He said it a bit too loud, making the lady jump, which caused me to laugh and made him bow to the woman in embarrassment.

"You can take a seat. The class starts in a few minutes." The lady said and we politely followed; occupying the seats in the circle of work stations. There were a few others that sat with us but some chairs were still empty. Me and Jimin just watched the other people coming in as we waited for the rest to come.

"Jimin-ah, can I just ask;" I whispered to him softly, trying to start a conversation as I figured we still have a few minutes until the instructor would come. He turned to me with a smile and hummed in response.

"Why did you decide to bring me here?" I asked but as soon as I questioned him, a light tint of pink immediately invaded his cheeks, which made me wonder why.

He was silent for a few seconds but he eventually spoke up.

"I- uhm, I saw on the internet that-- a lot of couples do this and it's supposedly r-really fun." He bashfully said as he scratches the back of his neck, talking in a low voice so that no one could hear. He looks down to the the floor to avoid eye contact. His gesture made me burst out in absolute laughter.

"You actually searched where people go on dates?" I managed to say in between laughs, which was most probably incomprehensible as I was cackling too hard. The fact that he had to look up what couples do on the internet made it even more hilarious. What a cutie.

"Stop laughing!" Jimin exclaimed as his face was almost as red as an apple; but in the end, he bursted out laughing as well. A few people were staring at us because we were being insanely loud, but we couldn't care less.

After a few moments of laughing our heads of, an old man around the same age as the lady earlier walked into the room, making the both of us zip our mouths almost instantly. He had an apron tied around his waist and had clay marks all over it so suppose he was our instructor for today.

"Good afternoon everyone, I am Yoon Minseok and I'll be guiding you today as you make you're very own ceramic pieces. I've been in the pottery making field for thirty years now so I know that I am capable to teach you how to do so. So just listen carefully to my instructions and I'm sure you'll do great." The old man said and we proceeded on wearing our separate work aprons. The rectangular blocks of clay was placed on our workstations a few seconds later.

Minseok was actually really good and precise with his explanations. By the looks of how he molds the clay, you could really tell that he was experienced with these sort of things and he was very artistic as well. Jimin was right; I was enjoying this class a lot and he probably is too. Mine surprisingly ended up looking a lot better than I had expected. And Jimin? Let's just say he's doing-- okay.

"That vase looks really nice, keep it up." The instructor said as he looked at my workstation. I bowed as I shyly uttered a 'thank you'.

Thanks to Mr. Minseok's guidance, I was able to create a proper ceramic vase. It wasn't as beautiful compared to his, but for a beginner I'd say I was doing pretty well. It had a circular base and a long narrow neck. I'm glad the instructor was able to recognize my artistic ability.

As several minutes passed by I heard a big heavy sigh, figuring it came from Jimin. But I was too focused on my work to look at what was going on. Moments later, I heard another huff and so I looked at his table, only to see a big lump of clay that looked so oddly deformed. This time, I couldn't hold my laughter back any longer so once again, I bursted out. His pottery clay looked so confusing; I thought he was supposed to make a plate?

"What are you laughing at?" He asked as he noticed my very sudden change of mood. But I was laughing too hard, more than the last time, that I couldn't reply and utter a single coherent word. All I did was point at his workstation and I guess that was enough for him to get the message.

His so called 'plate' was-- yikes.

"Stop laughing!" He says, trying very hard to keep a straight face and not crack up laughing as well. But sadly for me, the whole scene was all too funny; I just couldn't stop laughing. You should've seen it, it was drop dead hilarious.

"So you won't stop laughing?" He questioned. A sly smirk was now on his face, I suddenly had a bad feeling about this.

And my hunch was correct. The next thing he did was utterly unbelievable. He raised his hand up really high and smashed my vase, turning it to an ugly mesh like his. Now he was the one bursting in laughter.

"Oh so this is how you'll play it. Then I'll do it to you too!" I shot him one last playful glare before doing the same to his work as well. I wasn't actually mad but I at least wanted payback.

Next thing you know, we were both ruining each other's work. Throwing clay at each other as we get stares from the other couples around us. We both looked like immature five year old children, fighting over the smallest things. And my my, it got really messy. We had clay all over our clothes, arms, face, almost everywhere. It didn't look all pretty but oh boy it was really fun. Something about throwing clay at each other just seemed so entertaining yet cute to me and I don't know why.

"Miyoung and Jimin you are causing too much of a ruckus, I have to ask you to leave."

Okay maybe we were goofing off too much. Whoops.

I love them so much
They're such a big uwu

school is in 5 days and
I am not ready !! :')
I can't believe summer break is
almost done i wanna cri

I'll try my best to post as much as I can
before school starts!

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