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7:43 am

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7:43 am. The screen lit up as I checked the time on my phone. It was Monday and I was walking to work as usual. I could take a bus but I rather enjoyed walking outside in such perfect weather.

The sun was out letting a shimmer of light seep through the clouds as the wind blew a light subtle breeze that was hitting my skin. I happily walk across the pavement of the not so busy street, humming to the tune of my favorite song.

"Miyoung-ah!" I hear a familiar voice shouting my name a few times from a distance. I turn my head only to see Jieun smiling ear to ear as she runs towards me. I give her a smile as well and greet her hello. "Let's walk together?" Jieun asks and I simply nod my head.

We were walking side by side, arms linked together as we stroll along the track. The light flashes a bright red signaling us to halt on the pedestrian lane.

Jieun and I were chatting about little things when something or rather someone caught my eye. There, on the other side of the pedestrian crossing. I don't know but there's something different about him. The way his soft looking hair lightly flowed against the direction of the breeze. How his perfectly fair skin glistened against the sunlight. And how his clothes were so simple yet somehow managed to make himself look attractive.

I don't know who he was— I've never even seen him before, but as I stared at his figure it was like I've known him for so long. It was like I knew him. I probably sound like a crazy woman but I swear he looked so familiar to me, I just can't seem to remember.

I was so immersed in admiring this mysterious man when suddenly i felt someone shaking me.


I jumped at the sudden volume of her voice; "Gosh Jieun what is it?"

"I called your name three times. You've been staring at that man for minutes it's starting to get weird."

My attention then diverts to Jieun. I was taken aback, I didn't know I was staring that long.

The stop light then flashes green, making us resume our tracks.And so we continue walking along the pedestrian lane.

I suddenly feel someone tugging my arm. I glance to my side and see it was Jieun.

She turns to me and ask; "You were looking at each other as if you've met before. Do you know each other?"

"I don't think I know him."

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