십구 :

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( 아름다운 )☁︎

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( 아름다운 )

"Jimin-ah, try mine! It tastes so good!" I joyfully burst out, giving him a spoonful of Rasberry Ripple as he opens his mouth. His eyes shrinks into tiny little crescents, which I absolutely love, and gives me two thumbs up.

"Here, try mine as well." He says, and it was now his turn feed me a spoonful of the Coffee Crumble he got.

We were sitting on a rusting metal bench in the middle of a grass field, still in the same spot as earlier. Our mini argument had come to an end and was long gone now. Both of us were now delightfully enjoying our ice cream together, sitting beside each other.

It was now 8:56 in the evening I presume. The blackness above us was freckled with glimmering stars as far as the eye can see. Various flowers of many colors lined the gravelled path of the suburban park. The cool yet soft breeze was lightly hitting our skin and tousled my hair. There were certainly less people than there was earlier, considering what hour of day it is now.

"Tell me about yourself Miyoung-ah" Jimin softly said, making my eyebrows knit together as I was puzzled.

Responding to his sudden remark; "Like what?" I ask in a faint tone as well.

"We've known each other for quite the while now and we never really sat down together and talked about ourselves. I just wanted to know some more about Hwang Miyoung." He said and chuckled

"Well Park Jimin, I'm from Gwangju if you didn't know. I was born on February 25th, 1993 and I have one brother. I don't really have a specific hobby but I do have quite an interest in photography. And as you probably know, I am very fond of tteokbokki." I let out a small chuckle as he lightly laughed at my last sentence. "Is there anything else you'd like to know?"

"Have you ever been in love before?" Jimin asked, curiosity was clearly shown in his eyes.

"Well— I was in a relationship once back in high school but that didn't last. That was the only boyfriend I had yet to be frank with you, I've never actually been in a serious relationship before."

"How about you Jimin? Ever had a girlfriend before?" I asked back at the man beside me.

"Well when you're this handsome of course you would." He playfully said and combed his hair with his hand, which made me scoff and roll my eyes.

"I'm kidding." He said and chuckled. "I've only been in a few and it was nothing serious either." He bluntly stated.

"Tell me abo—"

I tried to carry on the conversation but I was interrupted by a loud sputtering sound from the near distance. Both of us looked at the source of the noise.

"It's the sprinklers!" Jimin shouted to warn me but sadly it was too late. The sprinklers near us had gone off and we were starting to immensely soaked. And when I thought it wouldn't get any worse, the sprinklers got a lot stronger making it so much more troublesome for the both of us.

In just one swift move, Jimin suddenly takes my hand and we make a run for it. He pulled me into a covered area, away from the grassy field. Now that I think of it, we should've never sat on a bench in the middle of a grass field with numerous sprinklers in the first place. I frowned as I realize both of our ice creams had completely gone to waste.

After that, we were both just doing nothing. The two of us just stood under the shade, looking at each other as we were both completely wet from those sputtering sprinklers.

Suddenly, the both of us bursted into laughter due to what had just happened. Me and Jimin were tremendously drenched and it was quite an amusing sight to see. The sprinklers were still ongoing up until now and and all you could hear was an endless guffaw coming from the two of us.

Eventually the laughter died out and we were back to just peering into each other's eyes. He suddenly took off the blazer he was wearing and immediately slung it over my shoulders. I suppose he saw how my body was slightly shivering since the sprinklers did make it feel a bit more chilly.

"You don't have to—"

"Just take it, you must be cold." He softly answered.

And with that I was caught in his ever so beautiful smile. That smile that painted countless rays of sunshine over the dark and starry night. A beam so captivating that you can't help but just stare at all his features.

His dark eyes that were twinkling, just like the various stars that surrounded the night sky. His pale skin that would always look so very soft and smooth in my perspective. His nose that had such a cute shape and how it complimented his face so well. His smile that would always manage to brighten up the room no matter how dark it would get. His black disheveled hair that was now decorated in beads of water, making it glisten under the moonlight. Everything about him at this very moment was so etheral and oh so dashing.

Jimin was mesmerizing.

UwU my hearttt
(*' ︶ '*)╯♡

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