십오 :

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( 무른 )☁︎

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( 무른 )

"Thank you Mr. Seo, I'm sorry again. I'll be there tomorrow."

I say my last words as I put the phone down to end the call.

I called Mr. Seo at the café to tell him that I couldn't make it to work today. I woke up with a splitting headache this morning and I don't feel very well either. My throat was feeling quite sore as well.

"41 degrees. You're fever is really high Miyoung-ah. I think it's best for you to just stay in bed." Jieun advised as she checked my temperature on the thermometer.

"I'm sorry I can't take care of you." She couldn't stay home since she had work as well. Jieun wanted to call in sick too but I insisted that she should go since I'd be okay on my own.

"It's okay, I'll be fine." I assured her and shot a weak smile.

"Well I have to get going now or I'll be late. Please take care of yourself." Jieun said before she left. "Bye Miyoung-ah!"

"Bye mom!" I shouted in a joking manner before she left the door. She shot on last glare before closing the door.

Boredom immediately struck me after she left. There isn't really much to do when your sick. Plus, I was feeling really lazy to get up or even lift a finger.

I just sat on my bed, blankly staring at the wall when suddenly I heard my stomach grumbling.

"Oh right, I haven't eaten anything yet." I said to myself, realizing I didn't eat breakfast.

A few moments later, I finally had the initiative to get out of my bed to get some breakfast. It took all the courage but my stomach couldn't take it any longer. I needed food so I lazily stood up and dragged myself out of  the room.

Getting into the kitchen, I go straight to the refrigerator. I let out a groan as I see there was nothing good to eat. I open the cabinets and my eyes land onto a pack of ramen. I stretched my arms as far as I could and grabbed it.

I prepared a small pot and boiled some water. Once it was bubbling, I added the noodles and the flavoring. About five minutes later I grabbed myself a bowl and poured in the ramen.

Grabbing onto my chopsticks, I sat on the table and started to feed my starved self. I took out my phone to use it while I was eating.

When I unlocked it, the first thing that flashed open was Jimin's text from last night. My heart started to pound heavier at the sight of his name. I remember how much of a mess i was because of that text. I can't believe I had to ask Jieun for help because I didn't know how to reply to a simple 'goodnight'. I facepalmed, recalling that incident from the night before. A few moments later, I didn't even realize how red my face turned. I continue to slurp on my noodles so I could take my mind off of it.

After finishing my ramen, I drop the bowl in the kitchen sink and returned to my room. I pulled the blanket from my bed and hugged it back to the living room. I set the blanket on the sofa so I could comfortably watch tv.

Nothing much happened after that. I had a mini movie marathon and watched a load of YouTube videos on my phone. It was the afternoon now and all I did was pretty much slack off. My fever hasn't gone down though, it was still quite bad. I was bored once again so I thought I would doze off for a bit. I closed the TV and made myself comfortable on the couch.

Closing my eyelids, I let my lack of energy take over me and I fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. "Miyoung-ah." I could hear a familiar voice out of the apartment but I couldn't tell who it was.

I stood up from the couch feeling worse. My headache was coming back and my throat was paining ten times more. Beads of sweat were all around my body, yet I was shaking because I was freezing. I wrapped my blanket around me and walked over to answer the door which was still knocking. The honey-like voice spoke again.

"Miyoung-ah please open the door."

Oof that's all :)
Sorry for such a boring chapter

I LOVE YOU SM!!!💞✨❣️💖🌺✨💜💕♥️♥️♥️🌺🌷💖💓❤️💞🌹💕✨

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