삼십 이 :

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"That was all your fault!" I exclaimed, masking on a blunt face for show, trying not to crack up

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"That was all your fault!" I exclaimed, masking on a blunt face for show, trying not to crack up. From what I could tell, Jimin was doing the same. A wide smile almost breaking through our faces as we carried on.

"My fault? You started it! You were laughing at me." He loudly said, almost deafening enough for the whole street to hear. And yes, the immature argument still carried on outside. We were still acting like children, both having a sulky pout on our faces.

"Stop whining like a kid. I know you had fun." He said, that smile finally breaking through his lips as he looked at me. And he was no doubt, absolutely correct. I did have fun; a lot of fun. And as embarrassing as it was to be kicked out of somewhere, I still felt somewhat thrilled as we were fooling around.

"Okay, okay. I had a great time. Thanks for this day." I sheepishly uttered in response. A subtle grin curving at the sides of my mouth.

"The day isn't over yet, cupcake. I still have one more place to take you."


"One cup of Raspberry Ripple and another cup of Coffee Crumble miss!" He said as he excitingly wrapped his arm around my waist. My heart began to thump and I was speechless, and this time it was not because of Jimin;

But rather because of where he took me, and my chest skipped a beat at the thought of it. I was in an utter state of shock as the both of us stood in front of the very familiar environment, standing in the same position as before, ordering for the same thing as we did that day.

"Well isn't it you two again! It's been quite a while." The old lady exclaimed, putting on that sweet smile of hers once again. Jimin let out a hearty chuckle at her statement as I still stood there, trying to process the current situation.

"Miss, we'll take that promo for couples like last time." Jimin said, giving back a smile. "Sure!" The woman in the ice cream stand politely agreed and gave us our cups shortly after.

One hand holding his ice cream, and the other gripping my hand as we strolled through the pathways of the park. The bright blue color of the afternoon skies were now fading into a darker one, stars now starting to seep through from above us. The air now turning crisper as the sun came down; just like that day. It somehow felt nostalgic to me for a moment.

"Let's sit somewhere we won't get wet by the sprinklers this time." He jokingly said as he lightly nudged my arm, leading me to a bench far enough from the sputtering sprinklers. Sitting on the wooden seats, we peacefully ate our ice creams.

"Why are you so quiet Miyoung-ah?" Jimin asked with eyes of concern, noticing my odd silence.

"I'm just-- stunned, that's all. I just didn't expect for you to take me here." I said, which made him smile.

"I brought you here because last time we were here, we had to lie about being a couple just to get discounted ice cream." He playfully said, causing us to chuckle. "Since then, I wanted to come here with you as an actual couple; and here we are."

"It's like it was just yesterday when you forgot your grey cardigan at the café. You're so forgetful." I said, giving him a light punch on the shoulder.

"Who said I actually forgot my cardigan?" He stated with a smirk, making me choke on my own ice cream. Who knew you could choke on ice cream?

"What do you mean?" I asked, making his smirk grow slightly wider.

"You're so delirious. I left it there on purpose so that I could come back and see you. I even made sure to come back when the shop was closed." He said, and gave me a small peck on the lips after. I stared back at him with wide eyes, his lips was smiling like crazy. I was taken surprised by the sudden information.

All the memories flooded like a big, heavy stream. We haven't known each other for that long but looking back at it, we've shared a lot of good times. Happy ones, weird ones, heart-fluttering times; there were too many to describe each one. Each memory made me smile wider and wider. We continued to talk about all embarrassing yet fun times we've shared. Taking a short trip back to memory lane, reminiscing all the moments we've had. As the time elapsed, more laughs and cackles were shared, taking hours and hours. We didn't even notice dark the night was and how late it was getting.

"We should going. It's gonna get really cold soon." He suggests as we both stand up from the bench. I simply nodded, agreeing since I did start noticing the air getting chillier. Linking my arm to his, we started our trudge and walked back home.

Or so I thought we were going back home.

"Where are we going Jimin-ah? The house is that way." I said in a rather perplexed tone, seeing as we were heading the opposite direction to my apartment.

"My house is a lot closer. I don't want you to freeze."

I somehow got flustered by his actions. We've been dating for quite a while now and I knew that he would eventually invite me over, but I didn't think it would be this soon.

"W-what about Jieun? I-I told her I would come home early and—"

"You're cute when you're nervous." He said, making even more flustered. "And don't worry, I already told her you're staying with me." He bluntly stated and I was taken aback by his words.

"You and Jieun planned this didn't you! I knew something was going on. She was acting strange earlier." I said, scoffing in disbelief.

"Okay, okay you got me. Now let's get going!" He exclaims, then grabbing my hand as pulled me and ran home.


"Nice place." I simply commented, placing my jacket on the coat rack by the door.

"Jimin-ah, What time is it?" I asked all of a sudden, making him take a short glance at his phone.

"9:21, why?"

"Goodnight then." I said with a sleepy voice, yawning as I made my way to his couch, which looked very cozy I must say.

"Already? But it's only nine pm." He said, sulking as he plops himself onto the open seat next to me, letting out his signature pouty face.

I wasn't lying when I said I was tired. Jimin and I have been roaming the streets, doing various things for hours now, my eyes are growing quite heavy. On the other hand, Jimin has been energetic and active this whole day. Gosh, how much energy does this kid have?

"We've been out all day Jimin-ah, I'm already drained and I want to sleep." I exhaustedly said as I lay down on the couch, closing my eyes.

"Just one TV show Miyoungie, then we can go to bed." I rolled my eyes as I figured I didn't have much of a choice. Muttering a small "Fine." he snuggles closer, a wide smile gracing his lips.

I published a book called
'Sweet Lemon'

you should check it out ;)))

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