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( 메시지 ) ☁︎

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( 메시지 )

Am I supposed to text back?

It's been like 10 minutes since Jimin sent that text and I still don't know if I should send one back. At first I was confused as to why he had my number but then I remembered giving it to him that night he forgot his cardigan at the cafè. I knew i should've never gave him my number.

He was making me insane. I don't know what to feel. It felt like my stomach was turning upside down.

Should I just not reply at all? No that would be too rude.

When I finally decided to actually text him back, I grab my phone and unlocked it. I open Jimin's message and start typing.

But what should I say?

Should I just say 'Goodnight' or should I say more? Should I put emojis?

I wanted to sound cool but for some reason I didn't know how. I actually didn't know what to say.
I can't believe how indecisive I am.

Five minutes later I still didn't know what to type and I don't think I'll actually come up with something. Should I ask Jieun? I thought. But then she would tease me about Jimin. I kept debating with myself wether I should ask her or not but then I then realized that I didn't have a choice and she probably knew what to say.

With a deep sigh I got out of my room and marched to her door. I lightly knocked on her door, seeing that the lights were off I figured she was asleep.

"Jieun are you awake?" I quietly asked as the door creaks open. When I completely open the door, I see her lying on her bed as she was on her phone.

"Yeah I'm still up. Why?" Jieun replies, looking up from her phone.

"Well, I have something to ask." I shyly say as I sit beside her.

"What is it Miyoung-ah?" She asks in a concerned tone.

"Uhm— well someone texted me something and I don't know what to text back."

"Who is it?" She asks and I stay silent, knowing that she would tease me once she finds out who it is. Jieun pulls the phone out of my hand and looks at the screen. Her eyes pop out when she sees the name and lets out a squeal.

"So this is why you're acting so nervous." Her lips curve into a smirk and nudges me repeatedly. My face turns hot and I begin to feel embarrassed.

"I didn't come here for you to make fun of me. What do I say Jieun?"

"And I thought you came to my room because it was something important." She laughed and slightly hit my arm.

"Just tell me what to say Jieun." I whine as I shake her arm.

"Just keep it simple. I think anything would be fine."

"Thank you Jieun-ah!" I exclaim as I run back to my room.

Once I plop down the bed, I unlock my phone again and open his message.
Just keep it simple. I kept repeating what Jieun said in my head as I typed my reply.


Goodnight Miyoung-ah~

Sleep well...

sent 11:24 pm

Miyoung is typing...


Goodnight too!

See you tomorrow :)))

sent 11:41 pm

lmao i love how she went through all that trouble just to figure out a text

This was just a short chapter for you♥︎
I hope you still liked it though
(*' ︶ '*)╯♡

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