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"It's so weird

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"It's so weird." He suddenly said out of the blue.

With brows furrowed and curiosity scattered all over my face, I turn to him and asked; "What do you mean?"

"A few months ago we barely knew each other, but now— we're here." Jimin said, making me fawn, a subtle smile forming onto my lips.

It was true. Less than a year ago we barely knew anything about each other. All I remember was seeing him from afar, always intrigued yet somewhat drawn by his mysterious figure. And so I never would've thought we'd become this; I never thought I'd become this happy.

"You were so dead for me back then." He said and broke the silence, confidence bursting out of his system. My smile was immediately washed away from my face, his sudden statement ruining the romantic aura from just moments ago.

"W-what do you mean? I was not!" I said in a rather defensive tone.

"Oh please, you turn red whenever I came to the café, then you start to stutter when you talk to me." He said and suddenly started to burst in laughter.

"Gosh, shut up. You were literally all sweet just seconds ago. Thanks for ruining the mood Jimin-ah." I playfully roll my eyes but somehow ended up laughing as well.

We continued to share stories. Reminiscing about the little yet significant things that happened to us which led to what we are now. In short— we were talking about how we got together.

It was good to just talk. Sharing laughs, teasing each other, cringing at our stories, so much emotions were felt in our little story time session. All in all, we were having an amazing time.

But our supposed 'little' story time didn't become so little after a while. We talked and talked, it literally went on for hours. We were having too much of a good time we didn't keep track of the time. Because of our unending chattering it was almost time for the sunset.

And so just like what we did earlier, we watched in silence as the sun slowly came down. The bright colors were waving goodbye as it started to fade. The sky continuously turning dark, the small freckles of stars that danced along the skies were now starting to seep through the clouds.

The two of us watched the skies in the same position. We were both sitting by the view as my back leaned onto him. His arms were still snaked around me, which never seemed to let go anytime soon. Both were not uttering a single word, just watched the sunset quietly. And just like the sunrise, it was equally as beautiful. My mouth was left slightly agape as I was too mesmerized in its beauty.

"Miyoung-ah." Jimin suddenly called out.

I mumbled in response, eyes still glued onto the specks of stars that filled the darkness of the night.

"I— I still have one more surprise for you."

OooOo what's this
surprise ;)))

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