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( 일치 )☁︎

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( 일치 )



My brows furrow in confusion as my eyes met his. His figure standing a few inches away, looking dashing as always. Holding a camera in both of his hands, he gently laughs as he snaps another picture.

"Stop taking pictures!" Instinctively, my hands come up to my face as I cover my timid expression, hiding from the lens of his camera.

*click*        *click*        *click*

"I said stop Jimin!" I turn around, not facing him anymore. He lets out a loud laugh, obviously finding it amusing to see me in such a flustered state.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop." Jimin smiles and lets out a sweet sounding chuckle. I put down my hands and stare back at the view of the river. Leaning my body onto the handrails, I close my eyes and immerse myself in the sounds of the waters.

The faint sounds of footsteps were heard as you walk closer to my figure. Our bodies were once again side by side, standing beside each other as silence enveloped the both of us.

"So, what brings you here Jimin-ah?" I softly asked him, my head slightly turning to his direction.

"I just came out for a walk." You calmly replied, looking back at the scenery in front of us.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I said, referring to the view of the river.

The view was truly beautiful and I found it all so fascinating. The morning sky was painted in different hues of blue, covered in a thick blanket of white clouds. The water was gentle and soft looking, light waves moved along the vast river making it crash against the rocks towards the shore. The image of the divine looking skies reflected onto the water, making the whole scenery look more etheral. Fully immersed at the sight, I could not take my eyes off of it as I observed all the wonders in front of me. I continue to stare in awe as I wait for your reply.

"It's beyond beautiful."

Sorry for that short chapter
I just needed something to transition into the next chapter

I hope you didn't find it boring either :(

The next one will be a lot longer and better I promise ♥︎

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