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( 커플 )☁︎

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( 커플 )

8:03 pm on the clock. Warm silence enveloping us as we walk together by each other's side. The sound of footsteps hitting the hard pavement was clearly heard as we stroll across the stone pathway. Our shift was now done and we were at the park, just like how we had talked about earlier. The place wasn't crowded as I thought it would be, there were barely people there.

The park isn't the most exciting place for two friends to hang out, but it wasn't as boring as I had anticipated. The whole situation wasn't dull but rather peaceful.

I'd sat this hangout was more different than our usual ones though. We would usually be loud and joke around at a time like this but the serenity of the park kept us hush, not that I'm complaining. The silence was a good kind, and not an awkward one.

"You wanna get ice cream?" Jimin asked suddenly, making me grow in excitement.

"Sure!" I exclaimed, a flush of exhilaration evident in my eyes. I cling onto him as he leads me to the ice cream stand.

A few minutes later we ended up at a small, cute looking cart decorated with various pastel colors and decorations. We were greeted by a sweet looking lady who I believe was in her late 30s or maybe in her middle 40s.

"One cup of Rasberry Ripple please." I spoke up, and asked Jimin what he wanted afterwards.

"I'll have a scoop of Coffee Crumble then." He said to the lady as she took our orders and nodded.

I was expecting her to immediately get our ice cream after she took our order but surprisingly she didn't. She just stood behind the cart was staring at me and Jimin while giving us a smile. And to be honest, I was growing quite uncomfortable.

"Well aren't you two a cute couple!" The lady suddenly said out loud, leaving the two of us in a very much flustered state. If you saw our faces you would clearly see how shocked we were. We felt a bit unsettled with the lady's very sudden words.

"Oh we aren't a—" Jimin tried to argue but was sadly cut off by the bubbly lady.

"You know, we have a promotion today for couples just like you! They get to have a 25 percent off on their order." She explained, the sweet smile never leaving her face.

"Sorry but we're not—" This time I tried to explain but was cut off as well, and it was not by the lady.

"What are you saying baby?" Jimin says, wrapping his arm around my waist.

What the— did he actually just call me baby? Am I dreaming?

"Me and my girlfriend will take that promo then." He kindly said to the lady and flashed her a genuine eye smile.

Nope, definitely not dreaming.

She quickly prepared our ice cream and handed it to us a few moments later. I couldn't do anything but let out an unpleasant smile as I sent a glare towards Jimin.

"Thank you!" He exclaimed as he hands her our payment.

"Enjoy you cute lovebirds!"

"Oh we will!" I said in an unenthusiastic tone as we walked to a nearby bench.


"Why would you say that!" I furiously said, almost loud enough to be a scream.

"Say what?" He said innocently as he licks his ice cream.

"Why would you tell that kind lady we were dating!" I flicked his forehead and he dramatically hissed in pain.

"Well at least we got a discount Miyoung. A good deal should never be wasted." He tried to reason out.

"Well you didn't have to lie." I rolled my eyes and looked the other way.

I know I'm being all dramatic right now but who could blame me? Who wouldn't feel absolutely confused when your friend suddenly calls you his girlfriend when you obviously don't have a romantic relationship right? He called me 'baby' all so suddenly, don't you think you would act the same if you were in my shoes? And the fact that he said it with such ease made it more unbelievable. Well— I guess it made me felt giddy and sort of excited in a way, but that's not the point! He lied to that sweet lady and that's obviously wrong.

"I'm sorry Miyoungie." He pouted and tugged on my arm as he sulked and asked for forgiveness.

I scoffed. He was trying to act cute for me to accept his apology but sadly, it was working. He was acting too cute for me to handle— I just had to.

"Fine, I'll forgive you this one time." I said while keeping a straight face.

"Thank you Miyoungie!" He smiles widely and gave me a tight hug.

When he suddenly pulled me into his embrace, I officially gave up on trying to act mad. I couldn't take it anymore and so I finally flashed him a warm grin. My heart honestly couldn't take it, it felt like it was about to explode. I mean, who couldn't say no to that face?

Double update coming soon!

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