삼십 구 :

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6:48 am, Monday

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6:48 am, Monday. The cool air hits my face and bright rays invade my sight as my lids slowly lift up, opening my eyes to the most heartwarming sight ever in this world.

"Good morning love." He says with smile sliding into his mouth.

I chuckled, my grin gradually turning wider; "Good morning Jimin-ah."

"It felt like I was sound asleep last night." I said.

Jimin's brows furrowed together and asked; "Why is that?"

"You're hugs are so warm." I replied, making his eyes shrink into crescents.

The next few moments were just silence; but a warm one. With smiles on both our faces we spent the next few minutes in utter stillness, deeply engrossed and mesmerized into each other's eyes. Absolutely no one was talking, our stares were enough to speak at that very moment. You could say it was rather heart-shaking.

"Even at morning you look insanely beautiful," he suddenly said, cupping my face into his hands and squeezing it tight, turning my lips into a pout; "Gosh, I love you so much."

My heart fluttered in an instant as he opened his mouth, almost instinctively as I heard his words.

My lips turns up even more; "Why are you saying that all of a sudden?" I ask.

"Should I have a reason to tell you I love you?"

"It's just that— I get giddy and all." I said in a rather whiney tone; "I love you too." I silently muttered afterwards.

"Where should we head to today?" Jimin asks, making me think.

"Let's search what we can do." I said, bring back to that time he surfed the web about what we could do on our previous date.

Jimin tends to look up what activities couples do on the internet which is of course adorable; but also really funny.

Jimin laughs at my words; "Sure thing." He said in a chuckle as he grabs his phone.

We searched 'date ideas' on the internet. We saw various results but we clicked on a blog which had a numerous activities for couples. We've scrolled for several minutes, feeling indecisive of where to go.

"How about a picnic at the park?" He suggested.

I'd let out a laugh; "It's winter Jimin-ah." I said as I playfully rolled my eyes.

"What about going shopping?"

I shook my head; "Hmm, no thanks."

We continuously scroll through the insanely long list of date ideas. There were too many choices but for some reason there wasn't anything I found appealing so far.

"That one!" I suddenly exclaim.


"Let's do yoga together." I stated in an exciting manner, yet only receiving a puzzled look from Jimin.

He whined; "But that's boring."

"There's a saying you know." I defended.

"What?" He asked with a questioned face.

"Uh— a couple that does yoga together— stays together! Yeah that's it." I said, pursing my lips together to hide my smile in hopes of convincing him.

"You just made that up."

"No I didn't."

He was still not convinced; "Yes, you did."

"Okay but— can we please go?" I said with my pleading eyes.

"Well— I guess it would be fun." He quietly uttered. It took him a while but he thankfully agreed.

"Yes!" I exclaimed in joy; "Okay now let's get up." I said as I sat up from the bed, getting out of the thick covers. But before I could properly stand up Jimin had somehow sneaked his arms around me, pulling me into a hug.

"Just five more minutes, I'm still sleepy." He said as he hastily closes his eyes, his grip around me becoming tighter the more I try squirming out if his hold.

I chuckled; not even slightly convinced with his pretentious act; "You look nowhere near sleepy, you're wide awake."

"Let's just stay like this for a short while." He said as he takes the blanket, putting it over our bodies once again.

"Fine." I uttered and snaked my arms to his waist and into an embrace as well.

Wow a gurly finally updated AHAHAHHA

oof btw
I just published my new book
so like if you want to check it out

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