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(A/N: Heyyyyy guys!! So this story is literally two books in one. So this book is based on two people's lives so the POV's will jump around..Lol like always, but I'll specify whose who. So I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it😊❤


"Zoey please go and attend table 9." Said Toni, my boss. I work at Toni's, you might have heard of it as it's really well known.

I shake my head, "He keeps staring at me like he wants to take me to the back room." Toni bursts out laughing, "Fine fine, send Chelsea."

So I am Zoey Thompson. I am twenty two years old. I live with my parents Amanda and Dave Thompson. My mom is a nurse and my dad is a sales marketer.

I will be moving out soon to go and live with my bestfriend Rebecca Harris in our apartment.

I am currently studying at NYU and I want to become a writer.


I laugh at Zoey as she awkwardly had to attend table 9. Chelsea disapperead as soon as Zo asked her to take table 9.

I am Rebecca Harris but I'm known as Becca. I live with my dad and younger brother Mason.

My mom died in a car accident a few years ago. She was a well-known actress. Since my mother drew a line between her family life and her career she kept me and her family life a secret from the public.

Zoey was there for me before my mom died and after when my mom died. We've been bestfriends since we were thirteen years old.

Or how we like to say: before and after our 'glow up'.

I study at NYU and I want to become an actress and a singer just like my mother.

I watch as Josh flirts with Zoey. I couldn't contain my laughter. Zoey shot me so many glares which made me laugh even louder.

Josh is the cleaner here who keeps flirting with Zoey and he clearly cannot take a hint that she's not interested.

Don't get me wrong, she is a beautiful, kind, selfless girl who I truely admire. But the one thing the poor girl can't do, is get through to him.

Chelsea is not someone Zoey and I particularly get along with. She can be a bit much and she enjoys flirting with almost every guy that walks into this building.

Toni is my boss but also my dad's second cousin. Honestly, nothing is more real than Toni. I mean there is no one who can rock a fedora like he can.


I am currently busting tables. Becca is busy sweeping, I then see her smirk at me.

I furrow my eyebrows but cringe when I hear Josh say, "Hey Zoey-woahwie." I turn and a tight smile forms on my face. "Hi Josh. Can I help you with anything?" He smirks, "Yeah, Toni asked me to ask you to help me finish up in the kitchen." I nod, "Sure."

I walk past Toni and hit his arm, he then rubs it and whispers, "You'll thank me later, Zo." I turn around, "Or never, T."


I smirk as I see Zoey keeping her distance from Josh as they're cleaning the kitchen. I then decide to go and save her. I mean the poor girl cannot bear this any longer.

I walk inside the kitchen, "Josh you can go finish up inside." He shakes his head, "Nah, I'm good here." I roll my eyes, "The broom is leaning against the door." He stares at me but nods while walking out.

Zoey turns to me, "Thank you so much, I love you." I smirk, "I know." She rolls her eyes, "So what you doing this evening?"

I give her the 'you've got to be joking' stare. She then nods, "Oh, wait we need to come back her tonight."

I nod, "Only for a bit though, just to welcome guests then we can leave." She chuckles.

Friday night's at Toni's are known as 'entertainment evenings'. We'll have one performer for the evening.
When choosing performers we particularly enjoy differentiating them by having a variety of performers each month.


Becca and I are currently welcoming guests at Toni's. I see Becca staring at the empty stage.

I smile at her, "You should perform sometime again." She turns to me and winks, "Someday I will again." I smirk, "Well someday better be soon." She rolls her eyes, "Patients young one." I laugh. "Weirdo." She blows me a kiss.

Once our shift was over, Toni came running to us. He was hyperventilating, Becca rolled her eyes, "Toni, you ran like ten steps." I smacked her arm, "You did well Toni." He looks up at me, "Thank you Zo. You know you've always been my favourite." I smirk, "I know. See Becca." She chuckles but rolls her eyes. "It's time to get you home Thomspon."

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