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-2 Weeks Later-

I glance at Zoey as she checks her dress one last time in the mirror. I smile at her and say, "I am honestly so amped for this double date."

She smiles, "Yeah, me neither." I sigh and give her a hug. She nods, "He'll be here. I know he will." I smile and nod before walking downstairs.

I receive a text from Jayden indicating that he's outside. I glance at the time, "Zo, I'm going to go with Jayden so long. Meet you and Tyler there?"

She replies, "Yeah, sure. Meet you there." Jayden kisses me, "Hey ponytail, is Ty not here yet?" I shake my head as Jayden sighs. "Alright then, guess we're meeting them later." I nod.


I patiently wait another twenty minutes before dialling Tyler's number. Eventually, he picks up. "Hello?" I sigh, "Hey Ty, are you on your way?"

He sighs, "Zo, I know you've been looking forward to dinner but it's only tomorrow night.", I frown, "No, it's tonight. Becca and Jayden have left already." I hear Tyler mumble some curse words.

"Zo, I'm so sorry, I completely got the dates mixed up. I'm such an idiot, sorry this course is just such an amazing opportunity." I sigh, "Don't worry, I understand." He sighs, "Zoey, I love you. I'll come around tonight and I'll make it up to you. Alright?"

I smile, "Yes, I'll be waiting." I then dial Becca's number, "Hey? Where are you?" I sigh, "I need to cancel tonight. Tyler is caught up at the hospital." She sighs, "Okay then, well call me if you need anything alright?" I chuckle, "I'll be fine, enjoy your time with Mr Ponytail."


I sigh as I end the call, Jayden frowns, "What's with the face?" I roll my eyes, "Tyler cancelled on Zo, I know that she's pretending to be okay but I know she's not. I mean she made reservations here a month in advance."

Jayden frowns, "Ah man, I hope Ty comes around." I nod, "Me too, but anyway let's focus on tonight." He nods, "Yes, you know that you look amazing tonight."

I smile, "Why thank you Mr Blakes." He chuckles, "I might even push it to as far that you look better than me." I fake gasp, "No! Really? Well, I'm honoured then."

He chuckles and reaches for my hand, "Ah ponytail, you've flipped my entire world around." I grin, "Hope it's for the better." He chuckles, "Most definitely."


I proceed with what I'm doing until Tyler takes the tray away from me. I glance at her, "I was still busy with that." She rolls her eyes, "Yes, busy destroying it. Did you even realise what you were doing?" I furrow my eyebrows and glance down at the contents in the tray.

I sigh and shut my eyes. Taylor places down the tray before walking up to me. She folds her arms, "Okay, lay it on me. What's wrong?"

I sigh, "Zo, and I had plans for tonight which I forgot about and I know how much tonight meant to her." Taylor frowns, "Ah Ty, I'm sorry. Well, you know what, go to her now. I'll finish up here."

My eyes widen, "No Tay-" She cuts me off, "Nope, goodbye." I smile and hug her, "You're the best, thanks." She smiles, "I know."

I get into my car and drive to Zoey's apartment. As soon as I arrive I see that the lights are off. I knock on the door before giving up and calling her.

"Hello?" I sigh, "Hey love, I'm outside." Next thing I know she has ended the call and opened the door.

I take in her features. Anger evident on her features. I walk inside and I pull her close to me. She doesn't budge, instead she closed the door and walks over to she couch.

I follow her and scoop her into my arms. "Zoey." She glances at me, I sigh, "Look babe, I'm really sorry. I promise that I will not let this happen again."

She glances back at the tv screen. I place a gentle kiss on her neck, which causes her to blush. I smirk as I kiss her cheek. She then turns to face me, "Stop, I'm trying to be mad at you."

I chuckle, "I cannot allow that to happen." She sighs and rolls her eyes, "Tyl-" I cut her off with a kiss. We eventually pull away and she glances at me, "I hardly see you anymore. This is the first time I'm two weeks that I've seen you."

I sigh and pull her close, "I know and I'm really sorry about that." She sighs and I kiss her cheek. "I promise, I really am." She sighs, "I know."

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