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-Next Morning-

I met up with Zoey at Toni's. We are currently at the stop and go section of Toni's. So this section is where people can just come and grab a coffee or a quick snack and then continue their journey.

I am taking coffee orders while Zoey makes them. I glance at her, she hasn't been her talkative self as usual, and I can understand why.


The guys and I stroll into Toni's at about 10pm for a late dinner. Jayden and I scanned the room in sight of Becca or Zoey but didn't see them.

It's all good I guess, I mean tonight is a guy's evening. We sit down at a booth and some waitress comes to take our orders.

Chase smirks at me, "Bro, remember that time that we threw you into the pool at 10pm?" I rolled my eyes, "Honestly, how could I forget." Jayden chuckles, "Definatly a memorable event, I mean who could forget that girlish scream that came from you." The guys erupted into a laugh.

I chuckle. Ethan smiles, "You know, it's been a long time since we've hung out altogether." Brady nods, "Yeah, bro, do you wanna head to Kayla's party after this?" Chase rolls his eyes, "Bro, just ask her out already."

Brady smirks, "Nah bro, I've got my game plan all figured out." I shake my head, "I wanna see how long you'll last once you're in a fixed relationship." He laughs, "Probably not long." Jayden smirks, "I can guarentee that she'll leave him." Brady laughs, "Sorry bro, I don't get dumped."

I roll my eyes. I then pull out my phone and so does Jayden. I heard Brady starting to whsiper comments and talk stuff to Chase. I didn't take much notice, until they stopped.


I glance at Zoey, who is cleaning tables on the farside of the resteraunt. Toni comes outside his office and stares at her too. He then turns to me, "You good to do table 86?" I nod.

I then walk over with the card machine to table 86. Zoey sees me and comes to clean table 85.


I see Becca and Zoey. Becca walks over to our table, while Zoey cleans the one behind us. Becca hands over the card machine.

Chase smiles at her, "I'm Chase Jackman and that's Brady Lemore, over there is Ethan Miller. Perhaps I could take you out sometime?" Becca rolls her eyes at the comment. Chase pays and Becca takes the card machine.

Brady chuckles, "Honestly, your just my type. I mean look at her, and she's playing hard to get, that's attractive." Becca rolls her eyes and then glances at Jayden for support.

Chase glances up at Becca, "Jayden I can see why you and Ty frequently come here. I would too if I knew who'd be waitressing." Jayden tenses next to me before saying harshly, "Stop!"

Brady stares at him, "Jayden, chill bro. What's up with you?" Chase chuckles, "Yeah bro, chill." Ethan glares at them, "Guys, that's enough."


I feel Zoey's presents next to me. I watch as Chase scans Zoey, "Wow your hot." I watch as Tyler clenches his jaw while Zoey rolls her eyes at Chase. I glare at him.

Brady chuckles and averts his gaze towards me. "Do you have a boyfriend?" I furrow my eyebrows, "And why would I share that information with you?"

Brady chuckles, "Awww, did he leave you and  break your heart?" Tyler kicks him underneath the table with his foot, I watch as Brady hisses in pain.

I walk away.


I watch as Jayden jumps up and follows Becca. I'm infuriated, like no one talks to Becca like that.

I mean what she went through at that time was hard, I mean I've never seen my bestfriend cry that much over a guy.

I watch as the guys get up to leave, I glance at Tyler who was already staring at me. I turn around and mentally smirk when I see what's on the counter.

Before the guys leave, I quickly dash over to the counter. I pick up the milkshake and throw it over Brady's head.

He turns around to face me, I can see that his infuriated too. I smirk when I see Ethan taking out his phone to snap a picture. Even Tyler looked amused.

I fold my arms, "Have a good evening further." I then turn around and head to were Becca is. I walk to the Staff Only door and I see Jayden and Becca, I decide to give them a minute before I intervene.


I lean my head against the Staff Only door and I say slowly. "Ponytail, I'm really sorry about my friends." She sighs sigh, "It's fine."

I might not be a girl expert, but I do know code for it's fine, I'm okay or nothing's wrong.

I hold her hands, "Are you sure you're okay?" I can see that she's taken back by our contact.

She lets go and stares at me "Jayden, I really don't want to talk about it." I nod, "Okay, but when you do, I'll be here."

She smiles"Thank you." I smile, "Anytime, ponytail." She smiles before going inside the Staff Only door.

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