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I watch as Zoey leans against the table. A part of me is saying that I should go and see if she's alright. But another part of me is to stubborn to move.

Curiously, I watch as she stumbles into the kitchen. I give in and make my way towards her.

Fortunately, I was just in time to catch her.


Walking back inside I notice Zoey looking a bit uncertain. Knowing her, something has happened.

Jayden stares at me worriedly, "You okay ponytail?" I nod, "Uhm yes, please excuse me for one second." He looks confused and concerned but nods.

I make my way towards her, pushing past the people exiting the room.

I watch her awkwardly stumble towards the kitchen door.

She doesn't look good. At all.

I start moving people out of my way as I try and navigate my way to Zoey.

I hear Jace, "Mom, dad, in here." I watch as Marcus grabs Tori's hand as they barge into the kitchen.

Right behind them, I'm in the kitchen. I see her on the floor in Jace's arms and I see a flash of panick settle on Tori and Marcus's face.

Jace glances up at me, "She fainted, but I caught her just in time." I nod, "Okay, well take her upstairs." He nods.

We quickly rush upstairs into Zoey's bedroom. He places her gently onto the bed.

I sit down and gently pick up Zoey's head and place it gently on my lap. Locking eyes with Tori I demand, "I need a damp cloth and a glass of cold water."

She nods and dashes downstairs while Marcus gets the damp cloth.

I gently dab the damp cloth on her forhead making sure to excert a certain amount of pressure.

Zoey's eyes flutter open. She blinks, "Wh-where am I?" I gasp, and smack her arm. She furrows her eyebrows at me, "Ow."

I stare at her, "Don't you ever do that to me again." She smiles and nods. She sits up and gives me a hug.

"Thank you Becca. I love you." I stroke her hair, "I love you too."


A smile of relief washes over my face. I notice how close Zoey and Becca are. This warms my heart as Becca has been there for Zoey through it all and visa-versa.

I hear a faint knock on the door. "Come in." I say gently. My eyes fill with confusion as I see Tyler leaning against the doorframe.

But I am even more confused when I see him dash over to Zoey's side. Marcus glances at me and he clears his throat.

A small smile tugs at my lips as I watch my husband stare at the two of them. My smile breaks loose when I see a shade if crimson red flash upon Tyler and Zoey's features.

Becca on the othehand is laughing at the site of them. Tyler says slowly, "Uhm, Aria sent me here to notify you all that the guest's are ready for Zoey's
formal introduction."

As if Marcus can read my mind he glances at Zoey. "Are you okay to do this?" She nods. I watch as Becca gives her a look. Which Zoey nods to.

Zoey locks eyes with me, "I'm ready." Jace sighs, "Well, let's do this then." We all nod.

Becca gets up slowly to give Zoey some space. I watch as Tyler glances at her, worry and concern  evident in his features.

She slowly manages to get to her feet with Tyler's occasional help. Once she is stable he places his hands gently onto her shoulders to stabilize her.

She blushes, "Thank you." He nods. Becca rolls her eyes, "Okay, this is cute and all, but can we please just wrap whatever this is up?"

Marcus nods, "Agreed." I smack his shoulder, he smirks and kisses ny forehead.

As we make our way downstairs, Marcus bumps past Tyler to help Zoey downstairs.

I shake my head and chuckle.

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