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I am currently getting ready for my night shift at Toni's. It's honestly so difficult to look for clothing, as all my clothing are in boxes.

I'm doing my final packing as Becca and I are moving into an apartment together.

As I'm walking downstairs I hear the front door open. I then see Becca walk straight past me and then my parents and make her way to the kitchen.

She takes out toppings to put in her sandwich, bearing in mind that she has not said a word to me nor my parents.

I take out my phone and scroll through instagram, but chuckle when I see Becca take a bite out of her sandwich before saying, "Hi guys."

Wow, nine years of friendship brings us to this.

My parents chuckle while I roll my eyes and smile. I then mumble, "Yup, her period has started today." She hit my arm, "I heard that." I chuckle. "Whoops."


I stare at Zoey whose wearing her black dress and nude heels. "Oh yes babe, your butt game's on fire girl." She smirks as she shakes her butt.

I burst out laughing, "Save your dirty dance moves for the car." She bursts out laughing, "Weirdo. But girl, I see you've shaved. I mean look at those legs! They're freaking glowing."

I do a hair flip, "Thank you, thank you very much." She smiles at me.


Zoey and I are preparing the ordives. We then all meet up in the kitchen.

Toni smiles, "Thank you guys for all coming in to help me on such short notice. Tonight is a semi-formal gala event for a lovely wealthy couple. So please, let's make tonight memorable and enjoyable for them."

Chelsea smiles, "Wait, does that mean that there's going to be hot, rich guys here?" Toni shrugs. Chelsea adjusts her boobs, while letting down her hair, before doing an awkward version of a catwalk walk.

Zoey turns to me before whispering, "Sorry, Miss Tyra Banks, someone needs to learn how to flaunt it without looking like they need the bathroom. I honestly hope she falls." I chuckle and nod, "Your period is due in a few days." She sighs, "I know. The app says so too." I laugh.

We then put on our white aprons before walking out.
I smirk at Zoey as I see Josh making his way towards her. She turns around to me and rolls her eyes while fake gagging.


Josh smiles at me, while trying to reach for my hand, which I quickly put in my apron pocket.

I mentally eye roll as I hear Becca laughing really hard behind me. He steps closer to me as I step back. "I really like your locket."

My locket has significant meaning to me as I've had it since I was a baby. Each year I just had to lengthen the chain of the locket. On the locker it has my name on it. Inside the locket it says my date of birth and 'We will always love you' engraved on it.

I quickly try and end the conversation by complimenting his hair, before dashing off to where Becca is standing with tears in her eyes.

I roll my eyes and I hit the back of her head. I then started setting up as we have twenty minutes before all the guests arrive.

-Guests Arrive-

Wow. If I may say so myself, this place is packed with people. Also, there are a lot of fine young men, who are drop dead gorgeous and super swoon worthy.

I started serving people, until Becca snuck up behind me. "I see Chelsea's fitting right in." I turn my head and I gasp, as I see Chelsea sitting on some guys lap and talking with his friends.

Becca was about to walk away, but I grabbed her arm. "Hot guy coming your way." She rolls her eyes while blushing.


I walk away from Zoey before she starts getting paranoid with how she looks.

I'm minding my own business and removing cutlery from a tray on to the table.


Tyler and I arrive at Toni's. Part of me is hoping that I see ponytail. I smirk when I see her. I guess it's just my luck.

I then walk towards her and her friend. I see her friend whisper in her ear. I smirk as I realise that my presence has been noticed.

I then see her walk away off to a corner where she's removing cutlery from a tray on to the table.

I then come up behind her and whisper in her ear, "You look stunning tonight." She jumps while dropping the tray and almost slipping.

I catch the tray and I wrap my arm around her waist, stabilizing her. She blushes.

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