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I am currently getting ready to go out with Tyler today. I'm nervous and excited. Today is the day that I'm meeting his parents.

I glance at myself in the mirror. I smile as I finish curling my hair. I then hear the doorbell ring. I sigh and nod while making my way downstairs.

Once I open the door I am met with a blue eyed, dimpled smile. "Hi." I manage to say. He chuckles, "Nervous?"

I chuckle as he walks inside. "Is it that obvious?" He smirks and shakes his head, "Not really. But you'll be fine. I promise." I nod, "Yup."

He takes my hands in his and I glance up at him. He kisses my forehead, "They will love you. Just as much as I do." I smile, "You think so?" He nods.

I nod and he kisses me one last time before we go.

Once we arrive Tyler grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. "They'll love you." I smile and nod.

He rings the doorbell. Just then a female opens the door. Tyler stiffens beside me while I furrow my eyebrows and smile. "Taylor? What are you doing here?"

She smiles and hugs me, "I just came to visit. How about you?" I glance at Tyler, "I'm meeting his parents." Taylor glances at Tyler, "Oh."

A female walks into the living room. "Oh, hi there. You must be Zoey? So nice to finally meet you!" I smile, "Ah thank you Mrs Evans, you've got a lovely home."

She smiles, "Thank you dear, but please, call me Debbie." I smile. She hugs Tyler. "I've missed you! William, come down here!"

Tyler chuckles, "Hi dad, good to see you." He smiles, "I've missed you son. Now where is this Zoey that I cannot stop hearing about."

Tyler smiles, "She's right here." I smile, the resemblance between Tyler and his father is remarkable.

I smile, "Thank you for having me, Mr Evans." He chuckles, "The pleasure is all mine, Zoey. Call me Will." I smile.

Taylor smiles, "Well I guess that's my que." Debbie turns to Taylor and smiles. "Nonsense. Stay for dinner." Taylor is about to protest, until Will smiles. "We won't take no for an answer."

She chuckles, "Oh, if you insist." We all walk outside and sit down by the table on the lawn. Debbie walks outside with dishes of different foods. I get up, "Debbie, let me help you." She smiles, "Thank you, dear."

Once we're all seated and eating, Will glances at Tyler and I. "So how did you two meet?" I smile, "Well, one day Jayden and Tyler came to the resteraunt I work at. Then that's where it basically all started."

Will nods, "Wow okay, what resteraunt do you work at?" "Toni's." Debbie smiles, "I've been hearing about that place. I've been meaning to check it out."

I glance at Tyler who is smiling at me. Debbie glances at me, "I never expected to find out that Tori had a daughter. Wow, you both radiate the same beauty." I laugh, "Ah thank you."

William smiles at us, "Zoey how do you know Taylor?" Taylor smiles, "I met her at her Welcoming Party." He nods, "Oh yes, of course."

Taylor glances at the pool and smiles. "Ty, remember how much time we used to spend out here." He chuckles, "Yeah, how does one forget the good old days." She laughs.

Tyler excused himself. Debbie and William start taking plates back inside. I smile, "Taylor, how do you know the Evans family?"

They all stop and stare at me. Taylor furrows her eyebrows, "Tyler didn't mention anything to you?" Debbie glances at William as they walk inside.

I frown, "Didn't mention what?" Taylor runs her hands through her hair, "Wow. Zoey, I'm Tyler's ex-girlfriend." I nearly spit out my water.

"What?" She nods, "We were together for a long time. I mean, what made things is easier is that our parents are all really good friends."

I nod, "Yeah, that part was mentioned." Tyler walks back outside and I stare at my water. While Taylor excuses herself.

I glance at him, "Why didn't you tell me that Taylor was your ex?" His eyes widened, "Zoey, we were together so long ago. It wasn't important, she's not what matters anymore."

I get up, "I still wish you had told me. Especially because, oh, uhm, I don't know-she's still apart of your life." He sighs and clenched his jaw. "I know, I'm sorry."


We arrive at my house and Tyler follows me inside. "Zoey, I know you're mad at me." I frown, "Well, I have the right to."

To my surprise, he remains silent. I turn around and he's staring at me intensely.

He walks over to me and pulls me close. I'm to tired to fight him. He whispers in my ear, "Taylor and I didn't work out. She dumped me and I got over it. You, make me happy Zo. I cannot see me living my life without you and your sweet smile and kind words. Or your lame jokes. I love you."

I sigh, "I love you too." With that said he lifts up my chin before kissing me.

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