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I glance at my phone as I flutter my eyelids. I just woke up. Shoot, and it's only six am.

I stretch before rolling out of bed and hopping into a shower. I throw on some sweats and as I scurry over to the window.

The sun is about to rise. After a solid five minutes, just staring, mesmerized by the sunrise, I decide to make my way downstairs.

I walk outside, inhaling the oceanic breeze. I follow the path and make my way on to the beach. I start walking.

Honestly, I cannot recall the last time I had time to myself. Just to be alone, lost in my own thoughts. I realise that my mind has so much to actually unpack.

All of a sudden, it hits me. I am a Wright. I am adopted, my mother is actually my celebrity role model. My father is a successful businessman, my siblings-I have siblings could be models.

My boyfriend-I've got a boyfriend. Wow. This is insane. I continue to walk in amazement and realisation of how quickly my life has unravelled.

From a normal girl who lived in a tiny house and worked at Toni's. To a whole new girl who still works at Toni's but has a celeb mom, businessman dad, two awesome siblings and a loving boyfriend.

The breeze hits my skin, sending goosebumps to my exposed skin. As I proceed to walk I see Jayden sitting down by some trees.

I slowly make my way over to him. He glances up at me and smiles. "Morning." I smile and sit beside him, "Morning. You're up early."

He nods, "Yeah, just enjoying the last few hours before we need to leave." I nod, "Yeah, I'm doing the same."

We sit in a comfortable silence as we listen to the waves come crashing down. He chuckles.

I furrow my eyebrows and smile, "What?" Jayden chuckles, "You should've seen how pink and blotchy Tyler's eyes were. It was insane, he looked like a freaking tomato."

I chuckle, "I know, I saw." Jayden nods, "I'm glad that the two of you sorted out your stuff." I nod, "Yeah, how's things with you and Becca?"

Jayden smiles, "It's going great, amazing actually. She's the best." I smile, "That's adorable." He chuckles, "Nah Zoey, I'm adorable." I chuckle and roll my eyes.


I freshen up before walking downstairs. I see everyone sitting and eating breakfast. As I reach the bottom of the stairs, Jayden walks up to me and hands me a plate.

After filling up our plate he takes my hand and leads me outside to the isolated table. We sit down and start chowing down our food.

I smile at him, "This place is so beautiful. I feel honoured that you brought Zoey and I here." He smiles, "Thank you for coming." I smile.

He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, "Becca, can I asks you something?" I stare at him, "Um, yeah." He nods, "Why did you and Zeke break-up?" I almost choke on my food, which causes Jayden to get up and pat my back.

Once we both settle I glance up at him, "Why the sudden question?" He stares at his hands, "You always avoid it. I mean, I told you everything about Olivia."

I sigh, "I honestly thought that Zeke and I would get married. Gosh, everyone thought that. He was a bestfriend before he was a boyfriend. Anyway, so then we were together for years until one day he had to leave to go and live abroad. It was so hard for me, but we agreed to keep a long distance relationship. So we did, for about six months, then one day he forgot to call and so I waited. I waited up till a point where I forgot about it and he never called again. Months went by, we barely communicated and I thought that I would be the best girlfriend ever and suprise him."

Jayden hands up me a napkin and o furrow my eyebrows, but then realise that I'm starting to cry.

I sniffle, "I flew, knocked on his door, only to be greeted with him and another girl whose arms were wrapped around his waist. We broke up. I came home, heart broken. Gosh, the entire experience was traumatic. I hated it, every minute of it. Now he is coming back and I'm not sure what to do."

Jayden gets up and sits beside me, pulling me close to him. "I'm here. I've got you." I hold him close to me. He kisses my forehead and places gentle kisses in my hair.


We all start packing and cleaning the house before we all say goodbye. I wrap my arms around Zoey's shoulders, "We made a ton of new memories here."

She chuckles, "Yeah, thank you for bring me along." He chuckles, "No problem."

We all hop into the cars and head home.

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