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We pull away as he chuckles. "Goodnight Zoey." I blush a shade of crimson, "Goodnight."

With that said he smiles before walking off and hopping into his car.


Yes! They kissed, ah I'm so happy right now. I hear Zoey say her goodnight, I rush into the kitchen and grab an apple.

I bite into it just as soon as she walks in with a stupid grin on her face. "Heyyy, how was it."

She blushes. I roll my eyes and smirk, "Spill."


Becca and I make our way to the couch. I tell her everything, but as soon as I mentioned the kiss she went from a smirk to a toothy grin.

I furrow my eyebrows, "Why are you so happy?" She said while laughing, "Because I saw it." I furrow my eyebrows while laughing, "What? How? Omw, do we have hidden cameras outside or something?"

She starts crying of laughter on the floor. "No, I looked through the peep hole." I burst out laughing while throwing her with our couch cushions. "Oh my word! You freaking weirdo!"

She's laughing harder and I join her on the floor and laughing with her.

-Next Day-


I got this super cute message from my dad saying how much he and Mas are missing me. So I decided to head home and see how they're doing.

As soon as I arrive I head inside and make my way into the kitchen. I make myself a sandwich before going upstairs into my old room.

I stare as soon as I see how empty it is. My heart breaks a little, I remember designing this room with my mom.

I hear my dad say behind me, "Empty right?" I turn around and embrace him in a hug. He caresses my back while holding me as close to him as possible.

I start tearing up at the thought of her not being here anymore. He plants kisses into my hair while reassuring me, "It's alright small fry, cry it out. I'm here."

I sniffle and pull away from him. I laugh at how damp I made his shirt. He smiles, "How are you Beccs?" I nod, "Pretty good, actually. How are you?"

He smiles, "I'm happy, but I'm missing you." I laugh, "I miss you too. Where's Mas?"

My dad rolls his eyes, "His upstairs; still sleeping." I stare at my dad, "Are you serious? No, that's insane. I'm waking him up. It's almost lunch time and his still sleeping."

My dad chuckles as I make my way to Mason's room. I open his door and I hit him with a pillow.

He jumps up, and I burst out laughing. He sees it's me and he rolls his eyes before goibg back to sleep.

I sit on him, "Get up! I want to take you out for lunch." He groans, "Becca, get off, you cow. You're honestly so heavy."

I roll my eyes and get up. "Hurry up, we're leaving in 10."

We take my dad's car to this new burger joint. As we're eating and catching up, Mason says out of nowhere, "You need a boyfriend. I feel like your to single right now."

I almost choke on my food. "You'd be so protective if I got one. Besides, if you could get a girlfriend you wouldn't need to be all up in my love life."

He snorts, "Please, I've got a whole list of girls to chose from. Whereas you've only got Jayden."

Oh shoot, I'm stuck. I have no other comebacks.

I look down shyly at my food. My dad smirks, "Whose Jayden?" Mas smirks, "Oh, just Becca's love interest." I laugh at his choice of wording. "Oh please, as if." Mason laughs, "See dad, she's even indenial." I roll my eyes as they laugh at me.

We head back to their house. I then chilled a bit with them before heading to the groccery store to grab some things for the house.

I was midning my own business until I bumped into Willow.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I was so caught in my own thoughs that I didn't see you there, Becca." I freeze, "Yeah, hey Willow. How are you?"

She nods, "Good thanks, and yourself?" I nod, "I'm alright thanks." She smiles, "How's Zoey?" I nod, "She's good. How's uhm, your family?"

She hesitates, "They're pretty good." I nod, "Great." She scans my facial expressions before saying slowly. "They want to come back here. I know that Zeke has been persuading them to come back home. They've all been pretty homesick you know."

I freeze. Did I hear correctly? Zeke is coming home?

I stare at her wide-eyed, "Zeke is coming home?" She nods, "Yeah, and when he comes, his not planning on leaving."

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