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- A Month Later-

Today is the day where Tyler is finally introduced as my boyfriend to my family.

We are currently in the car and already on our way there. As soon as we arrived Tyler and I walk inside.

We didn't get far as Tori scooped both of us in her arms. I chuckle, "Hey Tori." She beams, "Hey you two. Long time since I've seen you both."

I blush, "Yeah, been a bit busy." Marcus walks downstairs and smiles at me. He then pulls me close to him and hugs me. 'How are you Zoey?" I nod, "Good. You?" He nods, "Great. Tyler, so good to see you again, son."

It is now Tyler's turn to, well-bro hug. Tori smiles and puts her arm around my shoulders. "Aria! Jace! Come down here!"

Marcus and Tyler are already in the living room. Aria rushes down and attacks me in one of her loving hugs. I laugh, "I guess you missed me too?"

She chuckles, "I mean last night's call wasn't enough. I had to see you in person." I laugh, "Agreed." Tori frowns, "You called Zoey and you didn't let me say hi?" Aria shrugs, "I needed sister time. I already have a good dosage of mommy time." Tori chuckles, "Alright, fair enough."

I then go and sit down on the couch beside Tyler. He throws his arm around my shoulders and pulls me close to him. Marcus smiles, "How long have you two been together?"

I glance at Tyler, "Not to long. I mean it's been about a month and a bit?" Tyler nods.

Aria claps her hands, "I've been shipping the two of you for quite some time now." Tyler laughs, "I told you Aria, your the walking cupid." She winks at him.

Marcus rolls his eyes, "Tori, where's Jace?" She sighs, "I called for him already." Marcus nods and runs upstairs to Jace's room.

Moments later Marcus comes down with a moody Jace behind him. As soon as Jace walks into the room his eyes narrow as soon as he sees Tyler and I.

"You two together now?" I nod, "Yeah." Tori glances at Jace then at Marcus.

Jace chuckles while shaking his head. He then sits down on the couch beside Aria. Tori smiles, "So let me go and prepare lunch. Marcus can you run to the store and grab some salad things. As I just remembered that we're out.", He nods, "Sure love."

Jace glances at Tyler, "How long?" Tyler clenches his jaw, "Month and a bit." Jace rolls his eyes. "Does Taylor know?" Tyler glances up at him while narrowing his eyes. "Why should that matter?" Jace shrugs, "Come on Ty, everyone expected you and Taylor to end up together."

Aria hits Jace's arm, "Shut up." I fold my arms, "Taylor knows." Jace smirks at me, "Oh, she does. Well you wouldn't know how she feels now, would you?" I furrow my eyebrows, "What's that supposed to mean?" He shrugs, "I mean you're known for abruptly taking what's not yours. I mean look how you stumbled into my life."

With that said he got up and stormed upstairs to his room.

I glance at Tyler who gets up from his seat beside me and runs upstairs.


I knock on Jace's door before I push it open. I see him sitting on his bed. I walk over to him and sit down beside him.

I throw my arm around his shoulders"Hey buddy, you alright?" Jace glances at me before rolling his eyes.

He sighs, "You know I honestly don't even know what you see in her. She's so selfish and ignorant. She doesn't even care about how I feel, she never asked if I was okay. I mean mom and dad has forgotten that I even exist. Zoey just walks in here and pretends that we're some happy family. But we're not. Mom and dad are so career driven and now some girl walks into their life which causes them to suddenly care more. Make time for everyone else."

I clench my jaw and shut my eyes, "Jace, she didn't want this life. She didn't even know this life existed. Imagine how she feels, thinking that these people are your parents for twenty-two years only to find out that it's all been a lie. You're not the only one who has it bad, Tori and Marcus always put family first. That's a given, and you know that. You're blaming all these things on Zoey, but did you ever think that you're the one causing all this tension? You're being such an ass about all of this! Everyone has accepted that she's part of the family except you. Zoey is such a good person, she really cares about you. I mean sometimes she won't stop talking about how much she wants to get along with you. She's such a kind and genuine person. She would never try and take anything from anyone. Nevermind, break up a family. So you need to do a personality check bro, I would understand if everyone was unhappy about Zoey being here. But so far, it's only been you."

With that said I get up from his bed and walk downstairs.

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