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Brady shakes his head, "Wait man, seriously? At the hospital?" Chase slaps his arm, "But why did this all happen?"

I sigh, "Tyler was on the course and he didn't know that Taylor was attending as well. As soon as he found out he never mentioned it to Zoey. Then he called off dates and all that and then she went to the hospital and saw them kissing."

The boys sit there in shock, uncertain as to what to say.


I hear a light knock on my door. I don't respond. I then see the door open slowly. It's Chase.

I sigh,"I'm really not in the mood right now for social interaction." He chuckles, "Don't worry, you don't need to talk."

I frown and sit up. He smiles at me sympathetically, "Where's Becca?" I shrug, "Probably out with Jayden." He nods.

I run my fingers through my hair. Chase inches closer to me and I sigh. He glances at me, "Come over here." I shift closer to him as he gives me hug.

He sighs, "Zoey you will get through this. Tyler loves you, he just-" I cut him off, "No. You are not going to come over here, to talk about Tyler. Seriously, Chase he hurt me. I really just want to drown in my sorrow for a little bit. Besides, I'm not the one in the wrong."

Chase glances at me sympathetically, "Zoey-" I shake my head, "Did you come here to lecture me? Or to be my friend?" Chase sighs, "I'm sorry, I just hate seeing you sad." I chuckle and give him a hug. "Thank you."


Becca and I are currently at this new sushi place that opened up. I smile, "Clearly you've missed me ponytail. I mean look at the way you're staring at me. You're almost drooling over me."

She bursts out laughing, "Please honey, if anything you're drooling over me." I wink, "That is a possibility." She smiles.

I reach out over the table and take her hand. "I love you." She smiled, "Jayden, it's been so long since I've had a healthy relationship. I mean this relationship is something I cherish dearly."

I smile, "I'm glad, ponytail. But on another note, are you going to eat that one. Or can I have it?" She smirked, "You prepared to challenge me with chopsticks?" I chuckle, "Oh, you're on!"


I sink into my bed and I close my eyes. Then frustration takes over as the realization hits me. Zoey and I are no longer together because I cheated.

But then again, didn't I make the right decision? I still love Taylor. Was Zoey a distraction? I really thought I loved her. Man, why doesn't my relationships ever work out?

"Because you struggle to remain faithful." I open my eyes and see Brady sitting beside me. I sigh and shut my eyes again.

He remains silent for a few seconds before blurring out, "She was really happy with you, Ty. I mean, you looked so happy around her. The guys and I have never seen you so happy."

I sit up, "What are you trying to say Brady?" He clenches his jaw, "We all prefer Zoey rather than Taylor." I sigh.


Well it's obvious who won the chopstick battle. I did. Well Jayden keeps going on about how he let me win.

He pays the cheque and we make our way home. We pull up infront of my apartment. He smiles as he leans against the car.

He folds his arms and smirks at me. I smirk and run up to him and I gently throw my hands around his neck.

I lean in and kiss him passionately. He places his hands on my waist.

-Next Day-

Jayden brings Zoey and I fresh crossionts from the nearby bakery. She walks downstairs grumpily and devours her breakfast.

Jayden sighs and pulls her into a hug before she disappears back inside her room.

I glance at him, "She is getting better." He snickers, "Barely. She looks more heartbroken each time I see her." I stare at him.

He then sighs and pulls me close,  "Tyler and Zoey will get back together. I promise." I nod, "Yeah, within time, I guess."

We eat our breakfast before lounging on the couch. Jayden pulls me close to him as we settle on watching Netflix.


Jayden is fast asleep beside me. I smile at the sight of him. I'm about to make myself comfortable beside him until I hear a knock on my door.

I sigh and I gently depart from Jayden's embrace. He stirs a bit before falling soundly asleep.

I walk to the door and open it. I almost die of shock.

"Hey Becca."

I blink a few times before blurting out, "Zeke."


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