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I smile and then walk into the kitchen. Jayden turns around and stares at me sympatheticly.

"I'm really sorry about my friends." I smile and shake my head. "Don't worry about it, I may or may not have sorted out that Brady guy."

He chuckles for a bit, "Oh yeah?" I smile. I take his hand to move him away from the door. He furrows his eyebrows at me, "Listen Zoey, if this is your way of saying that your falling for me, I'm flattered but-"

I roll my eyes, "No you stupid idiot. I wanted to say that, don't give up on Becca. She may be rough around the edges, but deep down, she's a total softie. She's resistant towards you as her past relationship broke her. But that's a story for another day. But anyway, keep doing what your doing."

He looked taken back by my words, but smiled. "Thanks kiddo. That means a lot to me." I roll my eyes, "Kiddo. Really?" He smirks but nods. He then opens his arms for a hug, z I gladly accept.

I smirk at him, "Mr Ponytail." He chuckles. "Mr and Mrs Jayden and Becca Ponytial." I laugh.

We then walk out to the front of the resteraunt.

Tyler grabs my arm, "Zoey, I am so sorry." "It's fine." He holds my shoulders and stares at me, "Are you okay? I'm really sorry about my friends." I nod.

He caresses my shoulder and squeezes my hand before leaving with the guys.


Ethan stares at Jayden and I, "Okay, what's going on?" I glance at Jayden, "Well, they're the girls that we've been talking about."

I watch all the boys freeze. They all start apologising. I glance at Jayden who has been glaring at Brady the entire time.

Next thing I know, (which I predicated) Jayden punched Brady.

The guys were shocked, Jayden was about to throw another punch, but I held him back while Chase held Brady. Ethan stood in the middle, "Guys cut it out!"

I glare at Brady, "If you ever speak to them like that again, or any girl for that matter, I'm not holding Jayden back again."

Brady holds his nose and nods, "I'm really sorry for saying what I said, I didn't mean any of it. I swear, it wasn't my intention to hurt any of their feelings."

We all then get into the car and drop off everyone at home. Ethan, Jayden and I all head to our apartment.

We all share an apartment, and we split the rent.


My phone rings, I don't have the energy to sit up. Two seconds later Becca groans, "Aren't you going to get that?" I stay silent.

She hits me with a pillow, I hit her back and pick up my phone.

"Hello?" "Zoey dear, did you just wake up now?" "Yes I did." "It's like 11am." I sigh, "You were saying Tori?" She chuckles, "Yes right, Marcus and I would like to know if you'd like to join us for lunch today? I mean, this would be a good opportunity for you to meet the family."

I glance at Becca and then hesitate, "May I bring Becca with?" Becca opens her eyes and shakes her head. She whispers, "No no no no, Zoey, no, please." Tori chuckles, "Yes of course. Well, I'll send Marcus to pick you girls up at 1pm? Please send me your address." I smile, "Great, thank you. So you then."

She chuckles, "Alright then. Bye." "Bye."

Becca rolls her eyes at me, "Why do I need to come with?" I shrug, "Because your my other half and I'm useless without you." She rolls her eyes.

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