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-Next Day-

Zoey and I have decided to have a girls day. We literally spent six hours at the mall. But, it was six hours that was much needed.

I mean, I honestly don't even know when last we've had a 'girls day'. We're always both so busy with our lives.

So now we're on our way to go grocery shopping, as today is the day that we're moving into our new apartment!

I'm so excited and so stoked. Anyway, Zoey and I are currently walking into our supermarket with our ice coffees.

As soon as we walk inside Zoey smirks at me. I roll my eyes as I pull out the trolley. She then climbs inside it and sits down.

I chuckle at her as she glances up at me, "Push peasant!"

We stocked up on almost anything and everything. I mean go big or go home. Well, luckily for us when we go home we went big.

Our last stop was the sanitary towels section. I glance down at Zo, "Pads or tampons?" She takes a second to decide, and then we say in unison, "Both."

She asks abruptly, "Chocolate or Vanilla?" I smirk, "Vanilla." She rolls her eyes, "No Becca, chocolate all the way!!" I shake my head, "Nope, vanilla all the way."

She then stares up at me, "Bro, yesterday I was sitting in class and then like Sam asked me if I had a pad. I was like sure I do and I gave her one, I also gave her my cardigan because she got it and it stained-" I cut her off, "No oh my soul! Zo!" She nodded while proceeding, "Her white jeans. Girl, I felt so bad, so I told her that she could have it."

I shook my head.

We kept stocking up, but jumped when we heard a familiar voice.


I see Becca and Zoey in the female section. I smile when I see them arguing as usual.

Jayden and Ethan were throwing toilet paper bags into our trolley. "Jayden, come over here."

He did so and smirked as soon as he saw Becca. He walked slowly towards her before folding his arms, "Damn ponytail, are you sure that you don't need more?"

I laugh when I see Zoey and Becca jump and turn to face us. Becca smiled and to our suprise hugged him.

He hesitated for a bit but hugged her back. She pulled away and smirked, "How was your trip? You two were away for a few weeks."

I smiled, "Was good." Jayden smirked, "Missed me ponytail?" She rolled her eyes but smiled, "Maybe." He smiled, "I missed you too, ponytail."

Zoey smirks, "Coming back to your first question Mr Ponytail, us females are stocking up for Winter. I mean we having back ups for our back ups."

Jayden chuckled, "So I see kiddo."

I turn around and see Ethan's on a phone call. I then walk over and help Zoey out of the trolley. and chuckle, "Your cute."

Once she's up on her feet she smiles at me and hugs me. "How are you?" I nodded, "I'm good thanks. How are you?" She sighed, "I'm getting there." I kissed her cheek, which then turned a shade of crimson red.


I blush at Tyler. Ethan then walks over to us. I smile, "Hey Ethan." He smiles, "Sup Zoey and Becca." Becca turns to smile.

Jayden scans Ethan, "Eveything alright Ethan?" Ethan stares down at his feet shyly. "Well, not really."

Tyler turns to him, "What's up bro?" Ethan sighs, "Madison just got her period." Becca and I chuckle silently.

The boys turn to us in panic, Jayden turns to Becca. "Do you think Mads could use some of the stuff you guys got?"

Becca smiles, "How old is she?" Ethan scrolls through his phone, "She's twelve years old. Wait, let me call her and you two can help her."

As soon as Maddison picks up, Ethan hands the phone to me. Becca and I calm her down and talk her through the process.

The boys are watching us intensely. I end he call and hand the phone back over to Ethan.

"Kay, she just started. So we'll use pads. Her flow isn't that heavy but we'll grab the heavy ones just in case. Becca grab those ones over there, and this one here."

Jayden folds his arms, "Does she need chocolates or a hot water bottle?" Becca smiles, "Yes, you go and get that." He nods before rushing off to the previous aisle.

The boys help us get our final things for Maddison. Ethan hugs Becca and I, "Thank you so much. You honestly don't understand how much you've helped me." Becca and I chuckled and smiled. He quickly ran off to phone his sister.

I turn to Tyler, "Hey, Becca and I just moved into our new apartment. We need help with boxes, you up for it?" He nods, "Yeah, when?"

I glance at Becca, "Tomorrow?" Jayden appears out of nowhere and leans on Tyler," I'm in, his in."

I chuckle, "Guess it's settled then?" They nod. Jayden smirks, "Ponytail, I need your number so that you can text me your address."

Becca rolls her eyes but takes his phone and adds her number. I do the same with Tyler.

We then bid our goodbyes before hopping into the car and grabbing some food.

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