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So we are all currently at the guy's house. We are deciding on who goes into which car. I fold my arms, "Okay so who is offering their car for this trip?"

Jayden and Ethan raise their hands, "We'll do it." I nod. Jayden runs a hand through his hair, "Okay, well I'm definitely taking Becca. Eth-" He was cut off by Olivia, "Okay, well I'm going with Jayden." Everyone stops and stares at her.

Ouch. Why do I need to be such a nice guy? I clear my throat, "I'll go with Jayden too." I glance at Ethan who nods, "Alright then, I'll take the remaining people. Ty, Zo, Taylor and Chase."

They all nod and hop into Ethan's car and we do the same, except with Jayden's car. I smile, "Wooo!!! Let's get this show on the road!" Everyone laughs.

I glance at Olivia who was making her way to the passenger seat. I cringe as Jayden opens the door from his driver's seat and calls out for Becca.

Becca awakwrdly waddles past Olivia and gets inside the car. I cringe, "Oh Olivia, I'll open the door for you." I do just that and she glares at me before getting in.

I felt a warm feeling inside, as I mentally smiled at Olivia's jealous face. Let's get one thing straight, no one well at least in our friendship circle, likes her. We all only really like Taylor, but since they bestfriends we couldn't exclude the one and accept the other.


I smile at the sight of Jayden and Becca. He is currently holding her hair while driving with the other. Olivia is glaring at the sight of them.

I'm bored. So why not? I lean closer to Olivia, "Aren't they so cute? They are honestly the cutest couple! Rayden for life!"

Becca laughs, "Ahh thanks Brady." I wink at her, "You know Becca, if Jayden becomes a bore to you I'll always be around." Jayden rolls his eyes, "If you want to survive this car ride I suggest you stop trying to flirt with my girl."

I chuckle. "Olivia, come on admit it. They are the cutest couple, like you would want their couple goals." She stares at me before glaring and looking outside her window.

I catch a glimpse of Jayden's glance from his mirror. I smirk and he shakes his head. Becca senses the tension in the room. "Brady, how do you even deal with him?" I sigh, "Someone who cares about me. To be honest, I don't. When he gets to much I just punch him.",

She laughs, "I should try that." Brady laughs, "You know, fun fact, Jayden has a fear of-" Jayden says quickly, "Shut up, Brady." I smirk, "Puppets." Jayden groans. I smirk, "Told you I'd get you back for messing with my sleep."

Becca is laughing, "Jayden that's adorable! Also, Brady sleep is honestly key. I make sure to get my 3pm till 5pm nap. It's my time slot to sleep."

I smile at her, "Jayden, I think I'm in love." Jayden shakes his head, "Well not with Becca, she's mine." I shrug, "You never know, I'm a babe magnet."

Becca smirks, "I'm sorry Brady, I don't seem to find attraction." Becca and I burst out laughing and a few moments later, so does Jayden.

After her laugh she glances at Olivia who hasn't spared any of us a glance ever since she looked outside the window.

Becca glances out at her side-mirror, "Olivia, do you know any corny jokes?" I glance at Olivia. She doesn't reply to Becca. She rolls her eyes instead.

Jayden glances at me and I shake my head and he rolls his eyes.

-Two Hours Later-

We stopped at the gas station to fill up the tank and eat some food. Once I hop out the car I see Chase making his way over to me.

"How was the car ride?" I glance at him and roll my eyes, "It was fun buddy, you know, as always." He shakes his head while smiling, "Hope you didn't tease her." I roll my eyes, "I honestly couldn't care less, she's always moody and is always looking for dirt on us. Not to mention how desperate she is for Jayden's attention. Man, can't that girl take a hint?"

Chase chuckles beside me. I shake my head, "You should've seen how embarrassed she was about the seat arrangements. That was hilarious." Chase runs his hand through his hair, "We all saw that, man was it awkward."

I smirk, "No kidding bro, no kidding." Chase pats my back, "At least you improvised and helped her." I shrug, "I cringed." Chase nods, "Yeah, but that's Olivia for you folks."

I chuckle, "Let's get some food, I'm starving. Also, driving with Olivia exhausted my energy."

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