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(A/N: All these places that are mentioned are fictional.)


-Next Week Friday-

I am super excited for my date with Tyler. We are really getting along really well.

I am currently getting ready and Becca insisted I pamper myself for the day as I should expect something great to happen with Tyler today.

I mean I'll take her word for it as she knows a very close source to Tyler.

Mason and Becca are out to brunch. So here I am, all alone with my thoughts and expectations about today.


I am currently curling my hair and adjusting my make up. I then hear my phone ringing. I smile and pick up.

"Hello?" "Hi there beautiful, I'm outside." I smile, "Be down in a sec."

I rush downstairs and open the door. Once I've opened the door I am met with spiralling blue eyes and a captivating smile.

"Zoey Wright you look so so beautiful." I blush, "Well Tyler Evans, you don't look to bad yourself." He smirks, "I try, I try."

I smile and stand up on my tiptoes to kiss him. He wraps his arms around my waist. He then kisses my forehead, "Ready to go, love?" I nod, "Yes, let's go."

We hop into the car and the usual banter occurs. Once the car stops we arrive at Kimori Gardens.

Tyler opens the door for me and intertwines our hands. I glance at him, "Plans for the day?" He smirks down at me, "For me to know, and for you to find out."

I burst out laughing, "Been taking tips from Jayden I see." Tyler smiles and rolls his eyes, "I can suprise you Zo." I smile and he chuckles, "Okay, I'm done now."

I chuckle, "Honestly don't know how Becca handles him sometimes." Tyler scoffs, "Feel sorry for me, not Becca."

I chuckle and kiss his cheek. We walk through the gardens as we talk and catch up.

He smiles, "So how's your writing coming along?" I sigh, "It's coming. I mean, I've just been so busy that I haven't had time to write." He nods, "No I get you, I've been so busy with my academics that I haven't had a chance to visit the hospital."

I stare at him, "You visit the hospital?" He blushed and stares down at the floor. "Yeah, my uh gran is there. So I try and visit her as much as I can and I do most of my practicals there."

I smile, "That's amazing. Ah, think about it, your job is to save lives." He chuckles, "That doesn't make the job anymore comforting." I nod, "Yeah, I get it."


The sun is beginning to set and Tyler and I are having a late lunch by a beach restaurant. I glance at the sunset. Tyler snaps a picture of it.

I smile, "It's so beautiful." He smiles and nods.

Afterwards the night sky settles as Tyler and I arrive at our next stop.

The biggest grin forms on my face, "You brought me to glow in the dark mini golf!" He chuckles, "I know you'd love this." I beam, "Be prepared to lose, Evans."

He chuckles, "Oh you're on, Wright."

I am currently in the lead. I roll my eyes at Tyler as he positions himself and stretches before hitting the ball.

I burst out laughing, "Oooh! You missed!" He frowns, "Zo, I think the ground is uneven. So that's why I couldn't hi-" I cut him off, "Oh no, no, no, don't make excuses!"

He chuckles and kisses my forehead. I grab my stick and position myself. I then hit the ball straight in, in one shot.

"Ha! I won!" I awkwardly do a happy dance. Tyler bursts out laughing while snapping pictures of me. "Hey! You ruined my happy vibes."

He rolls his eyes as he picks me up and throws my over his shoulder. "Let's go, kiddo." I smirk, "The view from here though." He bursts out laughing, "Such a weirdo." I laugh, "It's what you signed up for my dear."



We then stopped for dinner. Zoey smiled at me, "Thank you for tonight. I thoroughly enjoyed it."
I smirked, "We just got started." She raises her eyebrows, "Oh? Is that so."

I smiled and reached for her hand and intertwined our fingers.

She smiles.

We then hop into the car and the drive home was quiet but, good quiet.

We stop outside her apartment. She glances at me. I smile at her, "Close your eyes." She hesitates but nods.

I pull out the jewellery box. I gently open it and put the bracelet around her wrist. She opens her eyes, "Tyler! Ah my gosh, wow. Thank you."

I smile, "Zoey Wright, I love spending time with you. I love getting to know you and what you aspire to be. I love your goofiness and weirdness. I love your caring and gentle heart. So what I'm trying to say is, will you please do me the honour of being my girlfriend?"


I smile, "Yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend." He smiles and leans in. So I do the same and I kiss him.

He accidently knocks the hooter. Then we pull away laughing. I chuckle, "Guess a kiss shouldn't be done in the car." He smiles, "Fair enough."

He hops out the car and opens the door for me. Before picking me up and kissing me.

Tyler and I walk inside the house, hands intertwined. I laugh as soon as I see Becca and Jayden clapping.

Mason uses a tissue to wipe his fake tears, "It was like a movie scene." Becca laughs and hugs me, "Congrats boo! You're finally a taken lady." I laugh, "It's your turn next. Mr Ponytail you better make your moves."

Jayden smirks, "Don't you worry Zo."

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