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I walk out the kitchen with two plates of breakfast in my hands. I place them down on the table and Becca walks out with two steaming mugs of hot coffee.

I smile, "Tell me more about what happened last night, you know besides the makeout and parental dinner." Becca smiles, "Jayden said that he loved me."

I almost choke on my breakfast. "He did?!" She beams and gently pats my back. I smile, "Ah babe! I'm so happy for you! I know how big of a deal the three letter word is!"

She nods, "Yeah, and for once, I actually forgot about Zeke. He almost seems, irrelevant." I almost choke again and she laughs, "Please don't die, I'm trying to tell you a sob-story."

I chuckle, "Sorry, this is me reacting from shock." She chuckles, "Yeah, I'm really happy Zo. For once, everything in my life almost seems perfect." I smile, "Well Becca, I'm really happy for you."


"Guys! I got offered the additional practical course at the hospital from uni." Jayden smiles, "Congrats Ty!" Ethan claps, "Our boy is one step further to becoming a successful surgeon."

I chuckle as I search for my phone. I immediately dial Zoey's number.

She picks up, "Hey babe, everything alright?" I smile, "Yes, well I know it's early. But I just received confirmation on being able to attend the advanced additional practical course at the hospital."

She gasps, "Ty! That's awesome! I'm so happy for you!" I chuckle, "Thank you, love." She chuckles, "Becca says well done." I glance at Jayden who is furrowing his eyebrows at me.

"Did you hear last night's events?" Zoey chuckles, "Oh yes definitely, is Mr Ponytails blushing?" Jayden rolls his eyes before shouting, "In your dreams, kiddo." Zoey puts the phone on speaker.

I smile, "Becca, are you sure that you don't wanna runaway? It's not to late to break it off with him." Becca chuckles, "Nah, I think he's a keeper." I snort, "If you say so."

Becca chuckles, "I mean if anything, at least I have a surgeon on standby if there's any problems." I laugh, "You got that right." Jayden rolls his eyes, "Well at least, I've got Zo who has amazing writing skills to make the people feel sorry for me when she types out how I died, by my bestfriend and my girlfriend."

We all burst out laughing. Zoey beams, "We need to celebrate! Let's all meet up at-" Ethan cut her off, "Someplace fancy, I know the manager of this new restaurant that just opened up on fifth avenue."

I chuckle, "So it's settled then, tonight at 7pm?" Zoey chuckles, "It's a date. Wait, should we extend the invite towards Taylor and Olivia?"

Ethan shrugs, "Well, maybe this time let it just be the guys and you two girls." We all agree.



Becca and I walk downstairs and we climb into her car. We then and our way to the resteraunt. As soon as we arrive I see Tyler and I wrap my arms around him and I kiss him.

"I am so proud of you." He smiles before kissing me again. Brady smirks, "Damn Zo, the one night you decide on wearing lipstick is the night where you're Zyler PDA game is going strong."

Becca chuckles, "Well done Ty, I'm super proud of you." He chuckles and hugs her, "Thanks ponytail." Jayden rolls his eyes, "That's a boyfriend privilege only."

We all chuckle and head inside. The food was amazing and the atmosphere was incredible. We all bantered around the table as usual.

Tyler glances at me and I smile, "Babe, I'm so proud of you. I honestly cannot express how proud I am of you. I promise to support you." He kisses my forehead, "I'm so lucky to have you."


As we are paying the bill and getting ready to leave, we see Taylor and Olivia walkin into the resteraunt. I glance at Jayden who was laughing with Ethan about something.

I grab his hand, "Blakes, ex girlfriend twelve o clock." He glances at me, "Oh sh-"

Brady flings his arm around his shoulder, "Not here. Guys we need to leave." Everyone pauses and stares at the entrance door.

Tyler curses under his breath, "To late, they saw us." Chase sighs, "Great, they brought their parents too." Jayden's eyes widen, "No, no, no."


I nudge Taylor, "Wow, how nice. They went for dinner and didn't invite us." Taylor sighs, "Whatever Liv." I glance at my mom, "See there's Jayden." She smiles and makes her way over with my father.


I glance at Becca who does not look fazed at all. I grab her hand. "Jayden, how nice to see you again." I turn around and see Conor and Lyn.

Olivia's parents. A tight smile forms on my lips. "Likewise, sir." Lyn gives Becca a scan and I pull Becca close to me. Lyn chuckles, "This is who you left Liv for?"

I chuckle, "Oh please Lyn, if anything I have upgraded." They glare at him. Conor clenches his jaw, "Jayden, you will not disrespect my wife or my daughter like that."

People are now staring.

I take a step towards them. "Then you will not disrespect Becca like that. Or me for that matter."

Brady nods, "Guys, let's go."

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