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I walk back to the gang and I catch Zoey's worried glance. "You okay?" She mouths. I nod.

I hastily bid everyone a goodbye. I hug Jayden last and I allow my head to nestle in the crook of his neck.

He caresses my back, and I then look up at him. He scans my face before he locks eyes with me. I glance away as I do not want him to ask any questions.

He understands.

He then plants a soft, gentle kiss to my forehead. I blush before breaking away from his embrace.

I watch as Olivia furrows her eyebrows and narrows her eyes at me.

Zoey throws her car keys at me. "Go, I'll catch a ride with Tyler." I nod as she gives me a hug. "Thank you." I whisper.

I hop into her car and rush over to Logan's house. As soon as I arrive I knock on the door.

Mason opens the door along with a sympathetic looking Logan.

Mason is currently holding a duffle bag and the anger is evident on his features.

He walks past me and hops into Zoey's car.

I glance at Logan, "Thanks for allowing him to crash her for a bit." He nods.

The drive back to my house is quiet. I constantly glance over at Mason who is staring absent mindedly out the window.

As soon as we arrive at home, I grab Mason's hand as we go and sit down by the balcony.

I glance at him, "What happened? Why'd you run away?" He sighs, "Dad has this new girlfriend." My eyes widen, "Wait, wha-" He cuts me off, "Dad wanted to tell you himself."

I shake my head, "How long have they been together?" Mason sighs, "Six months." I furrow my eyebrows, "You're joking right? I've been moved out for four months. How long have you known?" "Four months."

I sigh and run my hands through my hair. "Okay, well what is she like? What does she have to do with this situation?" Mason clenched his jaw, "Well ever since Dad's relationship with Paige started, he hasn't spent any time with me. He is always so focused on her, and she's always at the house. Or wherever he goes, she goes. Becca, she's changing him and she's trying to come between our relationship. I don't like her at all, personally I think she's fake and is with dad for his money."

I frown, "Wow. So what happened that made you leave?" He sighs, "I caught her cheating. I then confronted her and told her how I feel about her. Also I said she's a gold digger." I nod, "What did she do?"

He shakes his head, "She denied it and eventually started to threaten me. I then told her that I'm telling dad. She then flipped out and told me that she'd tell him I was lying and convince him that I should get sent away. Her excuse was because I've been "acting out" since I got dentention last week. I only got detention because I did horribly on two tests."

I remain silent as I digest his words as he continues. "She's trying to be like mom and she's trying to replace her. I told her that she's not my mother, she then got frustrated and threw a plate at me." I gasp but he motions with his hand, "But missed. Dad heard the sound and came downstairs. She told him that I tried throwing her with the plate and that I threatened her to leave. When I told him the truth she said I was lying. Dad shouted at me and grounded me. I walked to my room but the last thing I heard her say was that I'm a bad kid and that I need to be dealt with. I then stormed off to my room, packed my bags and made my way to Logan's house. Then I called you."

I take a moment to absorb his words. I glance at him. His face is a blotchy and red. The tears evident as they fall effortlessly from his eyes.

I sigh and pull him close. I hold him and I place a soft kiss in his hair. "You can stay here for as long as you like. I promise we will figure this out."

He responds with a sniffle. He croakes, "Love you, Becca." I smile, "Love you too, Mas. Why don't you take your bags and get settled in the guest room?"

He nods and takes his things before heading upstairs. I glance at my phone. I sigh before dialling my dad's number.

One ring. Two rings.

"Becca! Oh goo-" I cut him off. "Mason is here with me. He can stay for as long as he'd like. In fact, until you sort things out with Paige and break-up with her."

I'm to upset and disappointed to hear his response, as I end the call.

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