1. The Mysterious

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AN- OK just a heads up. I do mix her last name up as Lowe/Rowe sometimes, I'm human, it happens. I also have terrible spelling and grammar sometimes and really big thumbs and a tiny phone so ignore the typos. Okay, enjoy!




The mysterious Cullen clan - all I've heard about recently is how attractive they are, how amazing they are but also how weird they are. They've been here for about a year now and the buzz still hasn't died down; it's actually rather annoying if you ask me. I don't understand the craze - they're all spoilt rich kids who are only 'beautiful' because they have money. There's no way they can be naturally that attractive.

I don't care either way; my life doesn't involve them and I won't let it. They keep to themselves and I keep to myself, well except for my small friendship group. I guess you could call us the 'weirdo's of the school, Forks High School. Everyone gets along with everyone - mostly - but we would immediately be labelled the creeps if it came to it. We look normal, dress normal, but... if you heard the conversations we had? That's where you'd do a double take. Like now.

"Would you rather shit literally bricks or sneeze them?" AJ asks us.

Ceece raises her eyebrows. "Excuse you? How did we go from a horse sized duck or a duck sized horse?"

I laugh as I eat a fry. "How about you both shut up? We have to at least try and act normal, idiots."

"Just yesterday you asked if we would rather leg length fingers or finger length legs." Ceece points out as she sips her soda.

I huff. "That's not talking about shit."

"C'mon, Bailey." Parker says to me with a roll of his eyes. "You literally had a whole conversation with me once about your poop."

I scowl. "Hey, in my defence I was very high that day. Don't make me tell them what you said, Mr Grower not Shower."

Everyone laughs at the blush that creeps onto his cheeks. "You bitch."

I kiss his cheek. "I love you too baby."

He shoves me playfully and I laugh as I throw my tray away and take my bottle of Mountain Dew with me towards my biology class. The famous Alice and Edward Cullen share this class with me but luckily I've never been partnered with them - they always get partnered together. Today, however, as I walk into the class to head to my seat I notice the little pixie-like girl sat at my bench - where I usually sit alone.

"Um... hi?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Hi!" She smiles wide and holds her hand out. "I'm Alice. Your new partner."

I look at her hand then her face. "Cute, but no thanks sweetheart. I work alone."

Alice smiles at me and shrugs, playing both hands in her lap as she looks at me with the purest golden colored eyes; I've never seen a color like it. "Well, Mr Molina is changing the class up today and you ended up with me. So I guess we both get to suck it up and do this project together."

I bite my cheek. "How do you know this then, Cullen? Molina knows I work alone no matter what-"

"Look, I know why you work alone. He's just asked if I can help you a little-"

I cut her off, enraged. "He told you?! How dare he!" I slam my books on the table and cross my arms not sitting.

"Bailey, I'm not going to tell anyone if that's what you are worried about. I just want to help you, I swear I can keep a secret, I'm actually really good at it." She smiles innocently at me.

My Heart Beats For You // Alice Cullen Where stories live. Discover now