17. The Falling Apart

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I watch the dwindling fire with tears still rolling down my cheeks; the sobs stopped a while ago but here I sit, just... numb. I can't believe I did that. I must be insane... but hurt people have clearest minds, right? Wait, I think I got that wrong...

I hear the door creak open and dad shuffles in, trying to be quiet as he sets his suitcase down and shakes off the rain water from himself. He notices me then. "Bails?" He says gently.

I don't respond, I just glance over my shoulder at him. His eyes widen and he kicks his shoes off, rushing over. "Hey baby hey, how long have you been here?" He sits down and pulls me into a hug. I close my eyes, shrugging small. "What happened?" He smoothes my hair down.

"I b-broke up with Alice..." I whisper.

"Oh..." he says, shocked. "Baby, I'm so sorry." He soothes, kissing my head. "The first broken heart is the worst..."

I squeeze my eyes shut and hiccup. "It hurts daddy... so bad." I whisper as I choke back a sob.

"I know. And I hate that fact sweetheart." He rests his forehead on mine as I look up at him; my broken look hurts him and I can tell, he doesn't try to hide it. "Now either it's meant to be and you and Alice will work through this. Or it wasn't meant to be, you'll hurt a little and then you'll find the one who's right for you. Until then you're gonna have your heart bumped and bruised, but when you find the one... it all goes away."

"I-is mom that?" I whisper with a hiccup.

Dad smiles, blushing slightly. "Yeah... your mom stole my heart at the right moment."

"Your dad was a bit broken, not my usual type. Yet here we are." I hear mom say. We look over to see her leant in the doorway smiling, her arms crossed over her chest and her robe tied loosely; how much did she hear? "We love you so much Bailey and seeing you like this hurts." She says gently as she sits beside dad.

Dad nods. "You should get to bed and get some sleep sweetie." He says as mom brushes my hair back.

I sniff and rub my itchy, dry, red eyes. "I kind just... wanna sit here. Is that okay?"

"Of course sweetheart, you deal with this however you need. Just be careful by the flames and don't let yourself cry any more tears for her." Mom kisses my head and her and dad stand, glancing at me once more before they head upstairs.

I sigh and pull my knees to my chest, closing my eyes as I rest my chin on them. I feel my phone vibrating once again but I ignore it; even if it isn't Alice I don't want to talk to anyone. I doze lightly as I sit by the warm flames, but mainly I just sit in silence. This sucks. Sucks bad.

It's about 3 am when I finally move from the dead fire, moving myself to the couch and cuddling under a blanket. I finally check my phone and see a call or two from everyone, a dozen or so from Alice and even one from Bella. She left a voicemail and I reluctantly listen - curiosity killed the cat.

'Bailey.. it's Bella. Please don't be mad at Alice. She did it for Edward and I know she hasn't enjoyed it - she missed you so bad. You know Alice. She likes to please everyone but sadly this couldn't have been a situation like that. Give her a chance.'

Give her a chance?! Weak ass bitch. Now I'm just madder. I throw the phone to the end of the couch and just curl up, falling asleep. Despite being deeply in a slumber I am aware of mom constantly checking me before she leaves for work, the girls tucking me up all the time before dad takes them out and Ronnie watching me closely.

My Heart Beats For You // Alice Cullen Where stories live. Discover now