35. The Reunion Of Sorts

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Everything is not fine.

It is far from it.

Lorenzo... He's still sick. But no one can figure out why. For a week he's been unconscious, he's been poked and prodded and exposed to radiation but nothing. Alice and I are useless - our senses are useless because we don't know how to use them to diagnose. I know who does, though...

I watch as Alice tucks his favourite blanket around Lenzo, brushing his hair back; he looks so small in that big bed all alone... And the tube in his mouth is a scary sight. "Mama will be back soon my little Prince. And I'll bring Lily to see you, she misses you. I won't be long." She kisses his cheek gently.

I smile and stand, hugging her tight. "Don't be long."

She rubs my back and smiles small before heading out. I look back at Lenzo and sigh, stroking his cheek gently. "You won't be mad at me for putting us in a little danger, will you?" I whisper to him leaning my cheek on the railing. "Because I'm certain your grandpa Carlisle can fix you up, but mama will be mad if I call him. The Volturi.. They may find us. And our hiding out will have been for nothing." I sigh. "You're terrible at giving advice, Lenzy." I tease gently. I sit back and grab my phone, tapping it against my hand as I deliberate.

My son could die if I don't call.

Yet the Volturi may still be mad and come after us. Pissing them off wasn't such a good idea but Edward said they wouldn't dare bother them again, but I guess that doesn't apply to me and Alice. Especially with our gifts. My gift is similar to Bella's however I don't intentionally project mine. Being near me automatically makes you almost invisible. Bella and I combined is one extraordinary force. That's why he wants us. He now doesn't care who knows, he wants our power for himself and that makes us wanted. Bella and I being apart is safer, safer for us and our family. It is just inornic to me that the one being I hate is also the one that my power thrives with. Oh joy.

I look at Lenzo again and decide I have to. For him. I scroll down to her name and bring the phone to my ear waiting. "Hello?" The voice says confused.

"Are you alone?" I say quietly.

There's a moment of silence as she realises who I am. "Bailey."

"Don't mess with me right now Bella, are you alone?" I snarl lowly.

"Yes. Edward and his brothers are hunting and Renesmee is sleeping. Where the hell are you?" She snaps.

"I don't have time for this now." I stare at Lorenzo. "I need you to come with Carlisle. Just you, him and wolf so Alice can't see, and I need you to be quick but safe. Throw you trail somehow."

"I won't do a thing for you, not after what you put this family through-"

"Then do it for my son. He needs Carlisle or he is going to die, do you want that on your hands?" I demand. She stays silent so I continue. "Find your way to Edinburgh City, I will leave a trail back to where it is safe to meet." I hang up after that and snap the phone, hiding it in the bottom of my bag.

I go back to Lorenzo's side and kiss his head. "Mommy will be back in just one hour. I love you so very much."


I wait in the forest about 20 miles from our house, two days later. I pray they'll be here any minute and that my boy will suffer no longer. They have to come, otherwise I have no faith left in that family. I stare down at the picture of Lenzo and Lily on their birthday, hers being 2 days before his. They had a joint party this year and the picture shows the happiest moment when Alice and I realised they'd truly bonded as they sat on the bouncy house.

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