18. The Big Charade

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There isn't much that makes me upset; I don't cry at movies, I don't get upset by those commercials. But what does hurt me, upset me, is this hole left in my chest where Alice used to lay. Where our souls met and held each other. I spent my spring break mostly in bed, except when I had a break down, cut my hair and got my septum pierced. Yeah - I'm so over this break up!

"Want me to walk you to class?" Ronnie asks as we pull away from Emmys school, having just dropped her and Reg off.

I shake my head. "I'm fine, Ron, I swear." I smile. "I won't break if I see her or them, it's whatever. Like dad said it obviously wasn't meant to be." I shrug.

He sighs, watching me closely. "Sure... I'll meet you by the car at the end of the day, call me if you need anything at all." He says sternly.

I roll my eyes. "Yes little big brother."

He smirks and jumps down, tying his hair back as he joins Lucy and they head to their friends. I sigh and sit back in my seat, looking around; I see Emmett's jeep and the Volvo, meaning they're here. You got this Bailey.

"Are you coming or what?" Parker taps the window and I jump, holding my chest.

"Jesus!" I shriek.

He grins. "Yeah, you called?"

I roll my eyes and climb out with my bag. "Pretty sure it's a sin to be gay, you can't be Jesus."

"You suck." He shoves me and I laugh. "C'mon, I know you sprouted that 'I'm okay' shit to everyone else but honestly, how are you?"

My eyes scan around for any potential eaves droppers. "I'm... getting there."

"Sweetie, 5 days ago you cut your hair with kitchen scissors and I had to rescue it. Then you got your freaking septum pierced." He says. "I've heard that shit hurts." He cringes.

I smirk and slightly play with the hoop there. "Pain is good. Refreshing."

"So you're like a sadist or masochist or whatever?" He scrunched his face up at the thought.

"No." I roll my eyes. "I'm finding who I am. Now move your ass." I wave him aside and open my locker; a note falls out and I recognise the handwriting, as the person stands across the hall from me. I hand it to Parker. "Bin."

He looks from me to Alice. "Are you-"

I slam the locker, snatch the note and throw it in the bin as I pass Alice. I hear her sigh as I storm off down the hall to class, ignoring her and everyone else. A few people whisper, clearly shocked by this new development over the break, but it soon turns to looks as Bella stumbles down the hall on crutches, Edward close behind her.

His eyes meet mine for a moment but I roll mine and turn away, heading up the closest staircase; I'll have to walk all the way along the hall now to get to the other stairs but I at least avoided him and Alice for now. Hurray. How can I get over her when she's everywhere? Not only do I have her to avoid, but I now have her 4 siblings and a hobbling human. Fan-freaking-tastic.

I make it to the end of the hall and begin to head down the almost empty staircase when I see Rosalie waiting at the bottom; I suppress a huff and just turn to walk back up the stairs. "Oh Bailey c'mon." She groans. "I don't want to play cat and mouse all day like you have been with the others."

"I think I've made myself clear."

"You're being such a drama queen - that's my role, give it up." She teases as she follows me down the hall, a few feet behind me.

I roll my eyes. "Have it, whatever, just leave me alone."

In seconds she's in front of me, blocking the empty corridor; I suppress another huff as she crosses her arms and raises a challenging eyebrow. "You. Me. Talk. Now."

My Heart Beats For You // Alice Cullen Where stories live. Discover now