19. The New Moon

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I sigh as I marvel over the past few months, gazing out of the big window in Alice's room; am I a fool for taking Alice back? Yes. Do I regret it? No, not yet. Do I love her? More than life it's self. After the screaming match in the forest, I caved. I love her, I need her and she needs me, she's proven that. She was starving and it scares me to imagine what may have happened - she literally couldn't eat. I know that feeling oh so well.

Cold arms slowly wrap around my waist. "What're you thinking of baby?" Alice says gently as she rests her chin on my shoulder.

I lean back against her. "Just us. How far we've come."

"I'm so glad we've come so far." She kisses my cheek gently. "Are you ready? Bella will be here soon."

I nod and take her hand as she pulls me downstairs; she's throwing Bella an 18th birthday party which is kinda sweet. I still don't like her, but I haven't got much choice about whether we see one and other. Her and Edward are a package deal - end of discussion basically.

I stand by Jasper as we wait for them to arrive; the others all pirk up as they hear something I can't, and moments later the door opens and Bella comes in, blushing as we all shout happy birthday. I stay towards the back of the room as everyone fusses over her - except Rose of course - and gives her presents.

I barely blink before the whole situation changes; Jasper launches himself at Bella growling and snarling. Edward throws Bella back as he pushes Jasper away, sending him crashing into the baby grand piano and destroying it. Jasper scrambles up and lunges for me, however Rosalie surprises everyone and blocks me from him.

Emmett and Carlisle finally wrestle him out of the room as I stand frozen, and Carlisle rushes back to help Bella. Of course - she's injured. Rosalie turns around quickly. "Are you okay!?"

I shakily nod as I blink, trying to shake the thought of his snapping teeth and thunderous growls just inches from me. I push her out of the way and run upstairs to the bathroom, throwing up in shock as I can't stop shaking. Jasper wouldn't... why did he... I can't wrap my head around it.

"Bailey?" Rosalie knocks the door.

"I-Im okay." I pant a little and close my eyes. I hear metal break as she easily forces the door open despite the lock.

"No you aren't. Alice is sorry, she can't stand the smell of blood and she went to check on Jazz." She says gently as she rubs my back.

I wipe my cheeks. "Is he okay?"

"He's upset with himself; it was just a paper cut, a single drop of blood..." Rosalie sighs. "Carlsile says this'll help." She hands me a glass of water. "Take small sips."

I do so, finding my breathing calm shortly after. I finish the glass and set it down. "Thank you... I'm sorry, I'm over reacting-"

"You were thinking of Victoria weren't you?" She whispers.

I nod as I tear unwillingly. She pulls me into her chest and rubs my back as I try to stay calm, breathing deeply as I close my eyes. "I-I thought I-I got past this." I whisper.

"There's always a trigger sweetie, I'm sorry. You know Jasper will never hurt you; none of us will."

I smile small and nod, standing with her help. We make our way downstairs and I see Esme covering her nose as she pours bleach on the floor. "Let me." I say. "All of you go and hunt, I'll clean this up."

Esme hesitates but her and Rosalie leave. The house is silent as I mop the blood up with pure bleach, using rubber gloves and a scrubbing brush to scrub the tiles after to be sure. I take the clothes, rubbish and broken glass outside, setting it in the firepit and setting it alight. I watch it for a moment before I'm aware of someone beside me.

My Heart Beats For You // Alice Cullen Where stories live. Discover now