6. The Fancy Store

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I have't spoken to Ceece, AJ or Parker since my outburst and that was on Tuesday, 3 days ago, however I don't have the time to worry about them now as in just an hour I have to present the project with Alice. Oh, Alice. She was so thankful when she came over to mine Tuesday evening, much like Edward was; she was very shocked I defended her and she wondered why. I couldn't exactly tell her about the crippling crush I have on her, so I simply said I owe her and her family a lot and I deeply value their friendship, which is true in many ways except I still haven't met 2/5 of her siblings, or her parents.

"Bae, breathe." I hear Alice say, breaking me from my thoughts.

My eyes refocus on her sat across from me at our usual table in the library. I exhale slowly. "Al... I think I may projectile vomit over everyone." I whisper.

"No you won't, don't worry. You are going to be perfect. We've practiced every night this week, and every free period, and you know this better than I do." She says gently as she reaches across the table and squeezes my hand softly for a split second before retracting quickly.

I blush and smile a little. "Thanks... you'll take those words back after this impending disaster."

"Not a chance." She grins. The bell rings and I literally freeze, causing Alice to laugh and have to drag me up. "Come on, silly."

I bite the inside of my cheek - hard - as she drags me to biology; as we pass, Rosalie calls out 'good luck' as her, Emmett and Jasper head for their free period. I force a smile as Alice continues to drag me along and into the class; I tune everyone out until I see Molina walk in and say he's got a list of who goes when to save arguing and fussing. Guess who's first?!

Alice skips ahead and hands him the paper and a copy of the presentation as she sets the projector up. I take a deep breath and see Edward give a supportive smile from his seat near the front, which fills me with a little hope. Alice is beside you, I remind myself, you've made it this far now do her proud and do not chunder. Easy, right?

"Our system is the integumentary system..." Alice begins as she uses the clicker to change the slides; she never stutters, never shows any nerve and speaks at a speed everyone understands.

And then theres me... I stutter, I spit accidentally as I talk, I fumble over my words and several times I have to be reminded to speak up. By the time its over and everyone is forced to clap, I feel the redness engulf me as I flush with embarassment, a grimance on my face as we head to our seats and Angela and Mike get up to do theirs.

"You did so good." Alice whispers with a smile as we sit down.

"Na.." I whisper back as I clench my shaking hands.

I feel her smirking, but I don't look up from my lap to see. "You won't win an argument with me, sweetheart."

"Sweetheart?" I hold in a smirk.

"Uh huh." She grins.

I smirk as I stare at my lap; we're on to pet names now. Heck. Yes.


"Okay, Reggie, you have to be super good today for me. Can you do that?" I ask as I tie her shoe laces and check Emmy has hers done.

"Okay." She sings smirking; she is so excited to meet 'Alice's sister'. I've told her Rosalie's name over a dozen times but she keeps forgetting.

Emmy zips her coat up. "Is Rosalie like Alice? Is she kind..?"

"Rosalie is super kind, she is not like Alice but that doesn't mean you won't like her, and she has a very cool car." I smile. I hear a honk outside and I smile as I open the door to see Rosalie leaning on her shiny red convertible.

My Heart Beats For You // Alice Cullen Where stories live. Discover now