43. The Facts

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The last few days have been... Different, let's just say that. Jane - so far - is being the model human; she explained to Lily who she is, what she is, and she gave her the decision on whether she wants her or not. Lily wanted her, just as I did Alice and Bella did Edward, but I can tell she's still trying to digest this all. I'm trying to be there for her while letting her and Jane figure this all out. There is one rule we have; they aren't left alone. Alice or I always have to be within earshot, because we're terrified of what she may tell Lily but obviously we can't say that. We just say it's because we just want to be sure Lily is okay.

I hum as I head to get the mail, stopping when I see scruffy hand writing I recognise. I drop the other mail and hold the ivory envelope addressed to Parker, hearing said man coming downstairs. "Are you snooping in my mail?" He teases.

"Why is Ronnie writing to you?" I look at him.

His smile fades. "Shit... Um, well, um, we kept in contact after you 'died'. I think we both found it helped us grieve... I should've told you, I'm sorry-"

"His address is local - why didn't you tell me?" I glare, clenching my fist around the letter, crumpling it.

He backs up a little. "B, calm down it isn't a big-"

"Big deal!?" I scream, Jane suddenly between us, pushing me back as I take an angry step forward.

"Bailey, if you don't calm down you're going to tear him to shreds." She warns.

I snarl and glare at Parker, ignoring her. "You two faced jackass!"

"Bailey!" Jane warns, pushing me towards the door. "Step. Outside."

I tear the letter to pieces and storm outside, pacing the snowy front yard angrily. Ronnie and him have been writing? Why? They only got along because of me. It's odd to be that they'd write... And for Parker to not tell me he lives local hurts. Bad.

Jane walks down the 3 porch steps and sits down, watching me. "You scared him half to death."

"Good." I snap as I pace still.

"Who's Ronnie?" She muses.

"Brother." I mutter, glaring at the ground.

She hums. "Someone else you want to tell, I bet."

I scoff. "Not a chance. He couldn't handle this - Ronnie looks hard but he's squidgy on the inside. He cried when I tried on wedding dresses, cried walking me down the Isle. I bet it broke him when he thought I died... I don't want to risk hurting him." I whisper and stop walking, closing my eyes as I lean my head back and take a deep breath. "It shocked me to see his handwriting. I assumed he would've moved away by now or something but to know he's still here, almost around the corner... It surprised me."

"If it were me in your shoes and I hadn't seen Alec in years, I know I'd jump at the chance to see him again, any way I could." She says gently.

"Why are you being so nice, you're supposed to be a bitch." I mutter.

She laughs a bit. "I am - but I know the value of family. From my own experience and from what I've observed here."

I sigh and sit on the steps too, leaving a gap between us though. "What are you saying, go see him and shatter his heart when I leave again?"

"No, not at all. I'm saying follow your heart. Don't let what you are-"

"Okay, you're the one who snapped for me telling Parker." I snap at her.

Jane rolls her eyes. "From what I understand, Charlie Swan knows his daughter is still very much alive, but he isn't aware why or what she is. I'm saying you don't have to tell him a thing, he would understand if you truly mean that much to him - he'd look past whatever he needs to, just to be in your life."

My Heart Beats For You // Alice Cullen Where stories live. Discover now