38. The Family

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I stroke Lily's hair as she sleeps with her head in my lap, Lorenzo asleep on Esme on the other couch. Lily has tears still on her cheeks and I gently kiss them away. "I hate that I upset her." I whisper, more so thinking out loud.

Esme frowns. "She wanted to know the truth... We're all shocked you never told us about the baby." She looks down at Lorenzo. "I can't help but think of how different things could have been."

"Me too." I whisper and smile small. "But I also can't help but think that maybe I wouldn't have these two and that maybe Aro would have killed me and that child. It wouldn't have worked out after Jane found me, so in a way it was never meant to be."

"Still, losing a child is a pain no women should face."

I look over at her, remember how Alice told me she lost a child. "My loss was nowhere near as painful as yours... I can't imagine losing a child after all that time of carrying them and birthing them just for it to die."

"Sadly that was the time I was born in - women and children died frequently in birth or after, due to infections or disease. My baby sadly caught it and died." She sighs and then smiles at me. "Then I got my Edward. And then Rose, Emmett, Alice and Jasper. And then you, Bella and Ness. And now these to angels. My life is more full than its ever been and I've never been happier."

I smile and look at my babies. "You know what? Me neither. Being a mother is something I never wanted but always needed. A purpose, someone to love and cherish. Even if they decide they don't want this life, I get to spend their life with them through every step."

"And that's all they'll ever need. Your love and support. That's your main job." Esme smiles.

I smile and carefully get up with Lily. "I'll be back for Lenzo in a minute." I whisper as I cradle her to me.

Esme nods. "Take your time... Call Alice." She suggests.

I scowl as I turn away and take Lily to bed, tucking her up as I kiss her head. I leave the room and stop in the hallway for a moment; Edward and Carlisle are discussing ways to deter or avoid the volturi while Emmett and Jasper discuss combat tactics - they're hoping for a battle. The battle they never got when they faced them over Ness.

I take my phone out of my pocket and scroll to Alice's number, walking out onto the balcony. I know I'm in a house full of vampires and there's no chance of privacy, but it's the principle. They know it's serious and not to eaves drop if I step out of the house to make this call.

I take a deep breath and bring the phone to my ear, unable to suppress the pain as it goes to voicemail even though I knew it would. "Alice... Please come home. I'm so sorry I put us all in danger but it was time. Things happen for a reason, remember? Everything in our life has happened for a reason and this is one of those things. I love you so damn much and it hurts being away from you... Can you please just call? Lils thinks you've left the kids but really you left me... Don't leave them too. Please. I love you." I whisper before I hang up and hang my head. Venom burns in my eyes and I wipe it away, composing myself before I head back inside.

Esme pretends she didn't hear, looking at the fire as I come in. "No answer." I say softly. I gently take Lenzo and hug his warm body to me. "Goodnight." I force a smile and turn away.

"Bails?" Esme calls softly. I look over my shoulder just before I reach the stairs. "Give it time. You know how Alice is with human emotions and how she is when it comes to you... Just let her get it out of her system. She loves you too."

"Lenzy, you can't hide forever." I sing as I slowly walk along the tree line.

My Heart Beats For You // Alice Cullen Where stories live. Discover now