28. The Proposal

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I curl my hair as best I can, trying not to let the nerves get to me. I'm gonna do it - tonight. I'm going to ask Alice to marry me in front of my family and hers. It's Carlisle and Esme's anniversary dinner/party but they've given me their blessing to do it. I only invited my parents because the girls miss the Cullens and I need to rub it in their face that I was right - that I'm okay.

I look over as Alice zips her black dress up. "You look sexy." I smirk and unplug the curling iron.

"So do you - so perfect." She smirks and wraps her arms around me. I kiss her gently and wrap mine around her neck. "Are you okay? You're shaky." She frowns and feels my forehead.

I push her off gently. "Yes I'm fine."

"Have you eaten...?"

I clench my jaw. "Don't. Don't even suggest that."

She sighs. "I'm sorry, it was stupid. I just... I worry."

I roll my eyes and grab my black heels, storming downstairs. Yes I fucking ate, I'm just about to do the biggest thing in my life and it could go very wrong! Edward watches me with a slight smirk as he puts his cufflinks on. "Everything okay?"

"Shut up you asshole." I snap, sitting down and slipping my heels on.

"She means well."

"She means well." I mimic childishly.

Bella raises her eyebrows as she comes in. "What did I miss...?"

"Your husband's an ass."

I snap and walk away. I wish I had the courage to take some painkillers right now but I'm too scared; I grab a glass of water and lean on the counter as I sip it slowly, trying to calm myself. Carlisle comes in and leans beside me. "You're stronger than your urges."

"I know." I whisper. "But I still miss the feelings I had, the not worrying about the consequence. It's driving me insane, I feel sick, I can't eat... what if this goes wrong?" I whisper.

Carlisle pulls me close and I set the glass down, hugging him tightly. "You know it won't. Because you know she loves you - you just need to have a back up plan but in this case there isn't a need for one. You don't need to be afraid."

"I'm always afraid." I choke on a sob.

He holds me tighter and soothes me, rubbing my back gently. "You don't have to be honey. We've got you. We're here and we are never leaving again."

I nod and try to calm myself, gripping his shirt tightly. I hear heels as someone walks in but freezes at the doorway. "Bails...?"

I sniff and wipe my eyes as I pull away. "Yeah babe?" I smile at Alice.

She's instantly beside me, cupping my face. "What's wrong? Is it what I said? I'm so sorry-"

"Bailey just got a little emotional because I asked her to make a speech." Carlisle covers.

I smile and nod, playing along. "Yeah, I was shocked. Made me feel part of the family, like I used to."

Alice smiles and kisses my head. "You are so adorable. And hormonal."

I shove her playfully and giggle, sending Carlisle a thankful look. I kiss Alice's cheek and grab the keys to the Porsche. "My turn to drive."

"No no nooo." Alice tries to protest as she rushes behind me.

I grin and climb in, adjusting the seat. Alice groans and climbs in the passenger seat. "How do you even know you can handle this car?!"

I bite my lip. "I may have... gone on a little drive... when you were hunting." I say slowly as I back out of the driveway. "Let's get ahead so we can have some fun."

My Heart Beats For You // Alice Cullen Where stories live. Discover now