42. The Oopsie

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I stare at Jane and Lily as they sit talking on the couch, Jane sat rigid and straight as Lily lays half curled up, no energy to sit straight. I grip the kitchen counter behind me as Parker and I stare at them, both still in shock from my revelation.

"Do they know?" He whispers.

"Jane does." I say stiffly as she glances over at me, hearing her name.

"What do we do... Do we call Alice?" He asks, his eyes not moving from them.

I rub my face and pull my hair. "God no. Something else I'll have done wrong." I mutter.

"She can't blame you for this." Parker scowls.

"Ah... I deserve it. I blamed them all, especially Alice, for Lily being in the state she is. I told Alice that she was the reason Jane got to Lily." I sigh. I fucked up there, real bad.

"Oh girl you fucked up." He sniggers. I knee him gently but he still cusses and rubs his thigh. "Bitch."

"Oopsie." I wink and then look back into the livingroom. "She is going to be so terrified." I whisper.

"Why..? Were you, when you found out who Alice was?" His eyes stare at my face.

"Sorta. It was horrible. Suddenly I had this connection with Alice after only knowing her for a short time; I didn't know I could be gay, I didn't know why I felt so strongly for someone I barely knew and I didn't know why she made me feel scared for my life but also made me feel like I was on top of the world." I sigh. "There was so much pressure being the human, it made us argue all the time, and I don't want her to go through any of that... Especially with who Jane's coven is."

"The Volturi..?" He says slowly, trying to remember the name. I nod. "Surely they wouldn't touch Jane if Lily is her mate."

"They'll be pretty pissed my mate is human, more specifically a Cullen." Jane interjects. "And how do you know about this stuff?" She crosses her arms.

I laugh. "Oh Jane, you won't snitch. So don't try and act like the authority here - that's me in this situation. Sit your ass down." I smile sweetly.

"I could still break you in two." She narrows her eyes.

"But you won't. Because that would hurt Lily. Just like it would hurt Lily if you snitch about Parker. I hold the cards here, Jane. Remember that."

She sighs, grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and walks off, going back to Lil. I smirk and look at Parker. "I need to call Alice. I'll be two minutes."

"It's fine, she won't do anything." He says as he watches them.

I laugh small and head outside, pulling my phone out. I take a deep breath and dial Alice's number, walking slowly from one side of the small yard to the other. She answers after several rings. "Hey... I was gonna call but I didn't know when or if you'd be ready to talk."

I sigh. "Alice... You need to know something. But you cannot blame me. I apologise for how I acted earlier, somethings are uncontrollable. This is one of those things."

"Baile, you're scaring me." She says slowly. "I'm coming to-"

"Jane is Lily's mate."


I smile as I watch Lenzy giggle as Parker spins around the room, singing every Elphaba note to the Wicked song 'The Wizard and I'. I smile and watch Jane for a moment as she watches Lily sleep, her head in her lap. Her eyes meet mine. "I'm not going to let anything happen to her or you." She says in a voice only I can hear.

"Good. Because there's nothing that will stop my family and I from fighting for our lives. We broke no laws, but Aro wishes to punish us? I do not care for the gifts he has, he will never have mine nor Bella's, nor will he have my child. If you wish to be with Lily then I will not stand in the way - unless you try to take her away. She belongs here." I say, not taking my eyes off the dancing duo, Lenzy trying to belt out the lyrics to Defying Gravity.

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