4. The Blonde

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I ended up missing Thursday and Friday as well, meaning I got a super long weekend which I ended up spending catching up on the project. Alice came over Thursday evening but said she had to go visit family for the weekend, some camping trip that they always seem to have; the Cullen's go camping or hiking or hunting pretty regularly, and I guess having a charming set of parents helps make it happen.

I haven't heard from her since, though, and it upsets me. We had such an amazing day on Wednesday, despite me feeling like hell and Reggie being so clingy, but like I said I haven't seen or heard from her since the day after. Maybe she's just busy? Or did I give her the wrong idea? Maybe she isn't a lesbian... and maybe I disgust her.

Dad drops me and Ronnie off at school. "I'll see you kids on Friday okay? Be good for mom, it's her week off."

I kiss his cheek as Ronald just storms off to his friends - touchy much? "Love you daddy. Let me know when you get to Seattle."

"I will, baby. Have fun with Alice." He smirks a little at me showing his dimples, just visible under his unusually long beard. He usually has one, but he keeps it short - more like stubble.

I roll my eyes with a deep blush, heading inside with my head down. I keep my cardigan wrapped around me as I head to the library, avoiding gym entirely. Not what I want to do first period on a Monday, not at all. I sit at Alice and I's usual table, signing a laptop out and slipping my headphones in, opening my notes up. I've done pretty good on my own lately, but I wouldn't be here without Alice's help.

I'm so focused on work that I don't notice when a tall blonde sits next to me. A hand gently taps my arm and I jump, pulling my earphones out immediately; Rosalie Hale sits smirking a little, her hands now folded on the table in front of her. "Hi."

"Um, hi?" I say, trying not to sound so shocked.

"I'm here on behalf of Alice; she can't make it in until later on so she called in a favour I owe her. Apparently I'm here to help with some project?" She says glancing at the pages around me.

"Oh." I say, a little disappointed she isn't here but glad she was considerate enough to send Rosalie. "Well, thank you Rosalie but you really don't have to. I can manage until twinkle toes gets here."

"Twinkle toes?" Rosalie sniggers biting her lip. "She does always seem to flitter everywhere."

"I know!" I gasp and laugh. "Literally it's sometimes like her feet aren't even touching the ground, she like floats everywhere!" I whisper yell as we both laugh.

Rosalie, as a junior, shouldn't even really be talking to a sophomore like me, yet here she is. I suppose she's only here because she owed Alice. "You seem to entertain my sister."

"Entertain?" I raise an eyebrow as I swing on my chair.

"Something about horses, ducks, a tarantula?" She raises an eyebrow too.

I giggle a little. "Ah. Hey, I have a question for you - would you rather fight a horse sized duck or 100 duck sized horses?"

"Ohhh I see." She smiles, her glowing presence intimidating. She's literally like a walking goddess - I'm still waiting to hear harps play when she moves. "I think I'd have to go for the big duck." She nods to herself.

"Really? You're like the only person who's said that."

"At least it's a sort of challenge, right? Mini horses would be too easy."

I laugh. "Exactly my thoughts!"

Rosalie smiles a dazzling grin. "Anyway, this project. What do you need me to do?"

My Heart Beats For You // Alice Cullen Where stories live. Discover now