5. The Yelling

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I sit at my desk coloring in a random doodle - mom's working late, dad's away on a case and the girls are in bed. Ronnie? Well, he's probably at the skate park or something. In my lonely mind I begin to think of recent events. I can class two, maybe three, of the Cullen clan as my friends. What?

That's so bizarre to say-think, whatever. Alice is... Alice is beyond amazing. I find myself looking forward to her ray of sunshine bursting over my grumpy cloud, I wake up each morning with a small bubble of excitement in my tummy, and that lingers until I meet her. She's so mysterious, but happy; she's kind, patient, she makes me want to smile. I barely smile outside of the house where most of the time it's forced. I'm tired of trying but with Alice? I don't have to. And my heart races with joy.

But... our project is due Friday. Do I lose her after that? Do I have to say goodbye and pretend I never felt any of this and pretend I never knew her? That thought terrifies me and I feel my stomach twist- the thought sickens me. Losing her isn't an option but what if that's all she has planned..?

My impending doom though track is interrupted by the buzz of my phone on the desk; I jump in surprise and stretch a little as I see who it is - Alice! Instantly I answer. "Well hello, little miss invisible."

"Well hello, little miss fiesty. I heard you and Rose made friends today." Her fluttery voice says down the other end of the line.

The butterflies awaken and I bite my lip at the sound of it, swinging on my chair a little. "Yeah, I did. I think I found an actual working Cullen who can function outside of her family." I say.

"Oo sassy. Have you spent the day with Emmy and Reggie?" She giggles, which makes me smile and blush.

"Maybe. Reggie keeps demanding to see the fairy again - I think she likes you." I say gently.

"Tell her I'll come see her tomorrow and I'll bring her some fairy wings." Alice giggles gently. I wonder what she's doing right now... okay, Bailey, you're a creep!

"She'll be over the moon... where were you today?" I ask, wanting desperately to know.

"I had some family stuff to deal with." She says simply and I can tell by her tone of voice that she won't divulge any more details to me.

"Cool..." I say, not knowing what else to say.

"Hey, can I come over?" She asks.


"Great I'm outside." She giggles and the line goes dead.

Outside? As in, outside my house? Well, who's the creep now?

I head downstairs and open the front door; Alice stands smiling as usual, her hands behind her back. She wears some leggings, a sweater and the choker she always wears. "Hi." She says gently.

"Well hey. Do you always just hang around outside my house?" I tease as I lean in the doorway crossing my arms over my chest.

Alice rolls her eyes. "Yes, it's my favourite pass time." She says sarcastically in a 'duh' tone. "Now are you gonna let me in or what, sweetheart?"

I roll my eyes and push the door open more to allow her in; she skips inside and I close the door following her to the living room. "Rose and I almost finished the project so we can leave that be until Thursday." I say as I sit beside her on the couch.

She smiles as she faces me. "Awesome. So I have a question to ask you."

"Okay....?" I say slowly, uncertainty invading the butterflies in my tummy.

My Heart Beats For You // Alice Cullen Where stories live. Discover now