40. The Jane Effect

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*3rd person point of view*

There's a persistent throbbing in Lily's head as she comes round. She slowly sits up and gasps, bringing her hand to her head as it throbs worse at the movement; it feels wet... She slowly pulls her hand back and feels sick when she sees the vibrant red blood coating her hand. She quickly looks around the room for something to put pressure on it with but there isn't much.

"That wouldn't have happened if you'd played nice." A sickly sweet voice says.

Lily looks across the motel room? That's what it looks like anyway. She looks over at the blonde girl stood blocking the door, a big black cloak over her shoulders. Her red eyes peirce through her soul making her shiver. "You-you must be J-Jane." She whispers.

Jane throws a hand towel at the girl who grabs it and holds it against the wound on her temple. "Good to know your family still talks about me. Makes me feel... All warm and fuzzy." She says sarcastically. It means the Cullen coven know exactly who controls them whether they like it or not.

Lily scoffs and looks at her blood soaked white dress; she literally stepped outside to bring Lenzys telescope in but then someone grabbed her and was on the run at an inhumane speed. She fought, of course it was useless, and whoever it was - apparently Jane - smacked her over the head. Charming. "This was my favourite dress." She mutters. She then looks at Jane. "What do you want? You think they'll all come running to rescue me?"

"Yes. And this was a warning, a little revenge too. No one evades the Volturi punishment free." Jane says coldly; she may possibly be acting colder because of the tingling she feels in the presence of this girl - a pathetic human girl whom, even worse than being human, is a Cullen. Its probably just the thrill of it, mixed with a little hunger.

Lily rolls her eyes and glares at Jane. "You realise that you're one fucked up little thing? You killed my mums baby-"

"I did what?" She laughs. "Is that what they told you? Your mother never had a baby-"

"She was pregnant that day you attacked her." Lily says, her voice cold; she stands tall as she drops the towel. "You pinned her to her car and you starved her of oxygen. She was terrified and those mutts had to save her, resulting in her body to hit the ground. You killed a baby."

Jane stands frozen, shocked, speechless, unsure of how to respond. It couldn't have really been a baby if she couldn't hear it, right...? It couldn't have been much if there was no sign... Of course she's killed children before, she isn't too fussy about what she eats as long as it's human, but never a baby. There's a line even she could never cross. And to hear that a child, all be it a fetus of a few weeks, had died due to her actions? It made her feel sick - she's never felt sick before. Never.

Lily smirks and scoffs. "What, you've just realised what a sick bitch you are? What a shame." She says with just as much sarcasm Jane had used minutes ago. Lily crosses her arms. "Let me go or kill me, Jane, those are your only two options here."

"Shut up!" Jane snaps holding her hand up to silence the girl. "Shut. Up."

Lily watches the sadistic witch with cold eyes; admittedly she fills faint, nauseated, from the blood soaking her body, but she won't let her stance faulter. She won't let Jane win. "Well?"

Jane feels no remorse as she back hands the girl, sending her flying across the room and smacking against the wall with a considerably loud thud. "I SAID SHUT UP." It's becoming cleared to Jane that this soft, weak human is possibly her mate. She doesn't care much for that fact, she doesn't want to stop hurting her and she definitely still wants to feed from her, but there is this insistent nagging in her head that tells her not to. Only a small one, however it's enough to stop her from killing her.

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