2. The Project

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The next morning I wake early, as usual. As an insomniac I am extremely lucky to get 3 hours sleep, which last night I did. Of course I am always tired but I'm used to it; it also means I get the bathroom before anyone else, especially my brother who's a year younger than me. Why does a 14 year old shower for so long? Maybe because his hairs longer than mine; my brother, Ronnie, is a bit of a rocker - hasn't had a hair cut since he was 8. He has long blonde hair to his midback, like my mom. The rest of us have muddy brown hair like dad.

I shower, dry my hair slightly then slap it in a side braid out of the way. I slip a hoodie and leggings on before going downstairs; mom stands in the kitchen in her scrubs, probbaly just in from the night shift. She's an ER nurse and works most hours.

"Hi momma." I smile and kiss her cheek, grabbing a piece of toast off the counter.

She smiles. "Hi baby, didn't sleep much huh?"

I shrug. "It was an okay night. How was work?"

"Let's just say this isn't my first, second or third set of scrubs." She sighs.

"Ewwww mom!"

She laughs, hee young face bright as always as her blonde hair hangs out of its pony tail. "You've heard worse stories baby."

"I know, maybe that's why I never sleep." I tease.

She rolls her eyes. "Dad said you didn't get in till gone 5..."

I raise an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"You weren't...-"

"Getting high?" I say a little bluntly.

Mom sighs and looks over as she dishes me some scrambled eggs. "I don't mean it to be nosey baby, I just want to be sure you're safe..."

"No, I have a project at school. Since you told the school I don't have a tutor anymore they seem to think they can tell whoever they want about my learning disorder." I snap, shoving a forkful of eggs into my mouth.

Mom's jaw drops, annoyed too. "They told someone!? We agreed legally that they wouldn't. Who did they tell?"

"Alice Cullen. She's my partner." I say bluntly.

Mom debates this for a moment. "Okay... well I'm going to contact them about telling but I mean it could be worse, Bails. The Cullens are a smart family."

I roll my eyes. "You only say that because Carlisle is your boss."

"No." She says in a scolding tone. "Don't be stupid. He's done well with those kids, him and his wife took a lot on when they took them in all those years ago."

I roll my eyes and put my plate in the dishwasher, kissing her cheek. "Bye mom." I grab a bottle of water and grab my bag from the table, slipping my black ankle doc martens on.

"Did you guys have pizza last night?" She asks just as I'm about to leave.

Dad stops halfway down the stairs and glares at me. I smirk. "Ummm."

"20 bucks on the counter." Mom offers.

"Then yes we did." I smirk and shrug at dad as if to say he has to drive a better deal next time; I take the 20 as she scolds him.

"Patrick!" She yells.

"You're in trouble, kid." He glares playfully at me as he goes into the kitchen. "Hi beautiful." He says trying to butter her up.

I roll my eyes and close the door, slipping my earphones in. On the walk to school I get a message.

From: Guardian Angel!♡
Hey Bay, meet me by the gym at 8 and I can give you some materials for the project. Hope you're okay :) x

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