53. The Emotional Encounter

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I sit absolutely frozen as Alice's eyebrows shoot up in shock. The whole world seemingly stops moving around me and I stop breathing - though that has no affect on me. I stare at the trees in front of me.

"I can't believe it's you. Say something. Please."

I struggle to speak, find words; how did this happen? How did this lead to this moment? She sighs. "Of course.. Don't respond then."

"Wait." I manage to say. "How did you get this number."

"Ronnie's had the same pass code on his phone for like ever so... I knew it was you I saw I knew it. He told me it wasn't, I wouldn't remember what you look like but I do, I did." She gushes.

I look at Alice. 'What do I do?' I mouth to her.

She shrugs small and just runs her thumb over my knuckles as she holds my hand. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. "Regina... You cannot tell anyone about this. We cannot do this."

"I wouldn't dream of telling anyone but mom would love to see you and Em-"

"Regina, no." I say forcefully and she goes silent. "This never happened, okay?"

"Bailey. Please, please just meet me." She begs.

I look at Alice. "Regina... You don't want that. Pretend this never happened and get back on with your life. I already ruined Ronnie's. And Parkers... Please, let it go." I beg in a whisper.

"I need to see you. Everyone else knew you so much and I never got the chance. Please please just one meeting; I never got to say goodbye." She begs in a whisper, tears evident in her voice.

I have never been so torn in my life; meeting her would be the best but worst decision. She wouldn't let it be just the one time, I know that, she has no will to stop. I know I haven't see her since she was like 5 but Ronnie told me stories - she is a determined, stubborn soul.


I sigh deeply. "One meeting. One." I reiterate. "That's all. No questions, no begging me to stay. We meet and we say goodbye."

"Yes yes deal." She says eagerly, letting out a giggle of joy. "Thank you Bailey thank you."

"You don't want me in your life, Regina. You are all better of without me, that is why it's been over 20 years since we last saw each other... Understand that. And do not, not even a mutter, tell Ronnie." I warn. He already hates me, don't want to make that worse now.

"Fine, deal. Tomorrow then, in the town-"

"I can't be seen in town. 3pm, this Friday. There's a little French bakery in down town Seattle, I'll be there waiting. Come alone or I won't be there." I say simply. "Goodbye now, Regina." I hang up before she can say anything else and find my hand crushing the metal pieces that are left of my phone.

Alice sits, frozen, shocked, staring at me. "Woah..."

I dust my hand off and force a smile. She stands and takes my hand. "Let's hunt - something big." She says as she takes off running. I just hunted but... I could do with another snack.

I let her drag me along as we head to the mountains in view of the house, letting her lead me to whatever she's smelling. Right now, I'm far too into my own thoughts to care what goes on around me. How on earth did I get so sloppy, sloppy enough to let Regina see me? This, right now, is the worst time I've faced in my life. It sucks.


I watch out if the window as I wait in the bakery, leaning back in the booth with my hands folded neatly in my lap. I take slow deep breaths in a hope to calm myself and make sure I remember that this is a one off; I say goodbye, get closure for myself and help her find it. That is all. Regina will not - cannot - be a permanent fixture in my life. For her safety and mine. I won't have another human mixed into this.

My Heart Beats For You // Alice Cullen Where stories live. Discover now