33. The Official MRS And MRS Cullen

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After I wrote the letter, I kissed the envelope and gave it to Alice. I assume she gave it to Jacob and he dealt with it from there; I couldn't face anyone the rest of the evening so Alice laid with me until I fell asleep before she went some where else in the house. Rosalie is adamant we can't see each other today.

I lay staring at the ceiling, savouring the peace before I'm made to act normal for the rest of the day. I told Rose if she disturbs me before midday, I'll kill her. Theoretically, of course. 59 more minutes of peace...

There's a knock at the door and I sigh. "I got 58 more minutes Rosalie."

"It's me."

I scramble up. "We can't see each other!"

Alice giggles small. "I know... Go behind the closet door and leave it open a little so I can hold your hand."

I stand for a moment frozen before I go into the closet and lean with my back against the sliding door. "I'm ready."

I hear the door open and close and then feel Alice lean the other side of the door, her hand reaching round to take mine. "I hate not seeing you."

I smile and bite my lip. "I hate not seeing you... Now what's on your mind? You're never a rule breaker."

She giggles small but sighs after. "I can't stop thinking about that you said in the letter..."

I frown. "Which part...?"

"About fostering and adopting."

Ah. I stay silent. "Did it scare you?"

"A little." She admits. "Is that something you want?"

"I mean-I--it's crossed my mind." I admit frowning. "I don't want to carry a baby and do all of that stuff but I feel like I wanna make a difference. I wanna give a kid a shot at life."

Alice is silent for a while and I worry I've scared her. But when she speaks next I feel my heart melt. "I want that. I want a family with you. I want to do Christmas every year and start traditions, I want to build blanket forts when the kids should really be in bed but it doesn't matter because we're having fun - as a family. I want to give a child or even children what I never had. Family."

I smile wide and let a few tears fall. "You have no idea how happy that makes me."

I can imagine the triumphant smirk on her face. "Good... I just needed to tell you. We can work out the fundamentals later. I love you." She squeezes my hand.

I smile and lift her hand to my lips, kissing it gently. "I love you more-"

"Alice!" Rosalie shrieks making us both laugh.

Alice pulls her hand away slowly. "I haven't seen her. I just wanted to tell her I love her."

"Out." She orders as I wipe my cheeks. I hear the door close and I come out, still wiping my tears away. "Oh for god sakes, Bailey, puffy eyes are hard to cover."

"Good, you deserve a challenge for ruining a perfect moment." I smile and sit in the chair opposite the vanity. Rose sets out an array of products and I sigh. "Why now? The makeup will wear off before the actual ceremony."

"Makeup comes later. I have to prepare your skin with a face mask and do your nails. And sort your bed hair out, I mean you fidget more than an antsy toddler in your sleep and it's a mess."

I grin. "I just like making things harder for you."

"I know." She grumbles.

A little later she let's me leave the room to get food; I have some foamy grey face mask on while Bobby pins hold my parting in place. I've given up asking why she's done what she has, it's improving my tired ass face.

My Heart Beats For You // Alice Cullen Where stories live. Discover now