16. The Hunt Begins

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"Are you sure you don't wanna come?" Alice asks as we sit on my bed watching a movie; her fingers play with my hair in a soothing manner.

I shake my head. "I got a migraine coming baby." I say gently. "Plus baseball isn't really my thing."

Alice giggles. "I guess that's true. Emmett might throw you in the mud too, or you'll moan about the cold.

I smile gently and look up at her. "Yeah I'm staying right here. Wouldn't want to cramp your style."

She laughs and kisses me gently. "I'll call you soon, okay? Try get some sleep." She tucks me up as she stands, grabbing her jacket and slipping her boots on.

"Love you." I mumble as I watch her go. She blows a kiss as the door closes and I sigh, deciding to do as she said and take a nap. She said a storms coming, and when a storm comes a migraine comes - yay. Everyone gets to have fun and play baseball but I get to stay in bed. No fair.

I sigh and just cuddle up, hearing mom call out that they'll be back later; she's taking the girls to see Ronnie play a gig - his first. Something else I'm missing. I end up falling asleep as the rain picks up and lightening begins to flash. Thunder claps and I eventually fall asleep to the various sounds around me.

I don't know what time it is, but I'm guessing it's later as there's not an ounce of light left in the sky. I grab my phone as I stretch, seeing a message from Alice. I hold it to my ear as I squint at the lightning.

'Bailey, somethings happened. I need you to stay safe, I can't protect you right now I have to go away - with Bella. She's in danger, as is Edward. Please understand. I love you, I'll call soon.'

I frown deeply; what does she mean? What trouble has Bella caused? I knew it. I knew she'd cause something catastrophic. I throw my phone in annoyance and run my fingers through my hair; I refuse to sit here and worry. If they're all's swanning around after Bella then fine - go head. I'll be in a nice hot bath.

I make my way to the bathroom and set the taps on, heading downstairs to grab myself a coke. Somethings different... I think as I look around, trying to figure out why this room looks so... off. I shake my head and go back upstairs, grabbing my towels from my bedroom when I see a figure by my bed.

I gasp and drop the can, backing up. Eyes. The eyes - they're red. The woman smirks as she drops my pillow, her fire red hair all over the place. "I knew another one of that coven had been here..." she says.

My heart hammers in my chest, my entire frame shaking. My Alice should be here to save ME, not Bella.... "P-Please..." I choke on a sob as she suddenly appears inches from my face.

She inhales my scent with a sly smirk. "You just smell so... sweet. I always did have a sweet tooth." She giggles; her hand grabs my jaw tightly, bruising almost immediately as she roughly turns my head. A sob escapes and I think it excites her. "I also enjoy playing with my food." She giggles and drags me to the bathroom.

She roughly pushes me on my knees and grabs me by my hair. "Let's get that heart racing even more." She muses before she shoves my face under the water - hot water, night I add.

I scream as she does so, instantly regretting it as I lose all air I had. I struggle against her, until she grabs both my wrists in her vice grip, purposely digging her nails into the soft skin of my wrist. She pulls my up and I gasp for air, choking and spluttering as I try to rid the water from my lungs.

"God I could just devour you this second!" She sings before shoving me under the water again. This happens several times, by now I'm sure I have a bruise across my chest area from being pushed against the side of the tub, as well as bruises on my wrists from her vice grip. Her nails have pierced my skin m, and it's at that moment that she throws me down to the ground and crawls over me, snarling..

My Heart Beats For You // Alice Cullen Where stories live. Discover now